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Joseph's POV

Four years later I'm watching Sophie teach the twins the Alphabet which they are breezing through. "Daddy can we go to the meadow, swim I waterfall." My sweet Isabella said. "Yes as long as you and your brother tidy up all your toys before mummy helps you into your swimsuit." "Ok daddy come on Gareth let's do this quick daddy said we could if we tidy toys." We watched in amusement as Isabella grabbed her brother's hand and they ran off to tidy up. I watched my wife watch the twins with mixed emotions she loved how close they are but at the same time she missed her brother, I don't know why. Apparently when she was the twins age herself and her brother were very close. Ryan would hit anyone who would pick on her. As they got older he was the more wilder one and she was more of a bookworm because of that she was smarter than Ryan. His love for his sister soon turned into jealousy and hatred for her and he hated his parents for not showing as much affection towards him, which is why he killed her folks and tortured Sophie.

Sophie was now officially in her final year at University and yes she is studying Veterinary medicine and is at the top of her class. I'm so proud of her. Sophie is also pregnant again we expect our pup in the next two weeks.
I held her hand and as I always do it's like a tradition for us I pick her up and carry her bridal style up the stairs and set her down again as she waddles into our walk in wardrobe and puts on a sky blue halter bikini and a cherry coloured maternity maxi-dress so I'm told and a pair of flip flops. Sophie then goes and gets the pups ready in their bathing suits. They then run down the stairs as I pick Sophie up into my arms and carry her down the stairs and set her back onto her feet again. The twins stand between us "daddy, mummy swing us" "yeah please" Gareth and Isabella yelled I laughed but I grabbed Isabella's hand and Sophie did the same with Gareth, the twins held each other's free hands and we swung them up in the air as they squealed in enjoyment as we continued to walk to the meadow.

The twins were splashing around in the shallows Sophie was smiling sitting with her scarred back to a rock sunbathing with Kelsey. Kelsey and Jackson had an 11 month old pup Thomas he was playing with his dad, as I was fooling around with our pups. I was teaching them how to swim. They are at the age they can't shift now until they turn sixteen. As wolves it's easier to pick up swimming so our pups will get the hang of it easily. Sophie had baked some brownies as encouragement for the twins in their swimming lesson. My little girl kicked towards me shortly followed by Gareth, Sophie screamed out "YES GOOD JOB BABIES" they were smiling and panting. I gave both of them a brownie as they sat on both my knees to digest, I swam with them to the edge of the waterfall I walked back it was too shallow for my liking to swim. We both yelled encouragement and it was neck and neck they reached me at the same time as we both praised the pups, I gave Gareth and Isabella the last two brownies, and  when they were out I grabbed their towels and they ran to their mother, Sophie hugged and kissed them to her chest they were tired after all their swimming and Gareth went off to play with Thomas as Isabella snuggled into Sophie's side and fell asleep.
We were dressed up ready to see my mum and dad for dinner the twins ran straight through their grandparents house. "Granny, Grandpa your favourite kids are here." They both shouted in unison my mum picked them both up and kissed them all over their faces and put them down again. "Your mummy tells me you know how to swim, my goodness your both so grown up." They both smiled like Cheshire cats and ran and hugged Grandpa.
We had a great dinner together, to think nearly five years ago our lives were so different I'm so blessed and grateful to Sophie for giving me the best life I ever imagined surrounded by my magnificent growing family.

A/N Thank you for taking the time to read my first book, so please be kind in the comments.

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