Chapter 16 - Pregnancy and Power

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This chapter will contain Mature scene if your under 18 please don't read. It's also one of the longest chapters.

Sophie's POV

Ever since I found out I was a Fire Bearer I have been practicing how to control it so it would become second nature to me. I know from when Joe was hurt I was angry or livid and a little scared I might lose him. I learned that my power feeds from that energy, but I was barely able to control it that time. So I've been focusing on my control, I was getting really good, Joe enjoyed watching me as I became stronger. His leg was mostly healed but he still had some puncture wounds but they were healing well.
I was able to build a forcefield around objects apparently setting things on fire isn't the only thing I can do. Using these powers with me being heavily pregnant quickly drained my energy that I exerted, but I was improving and it would just take time. "Tired my love" I nodded and gasped when he picked me up and carried me to our bedroom, gently placing me on the bed he removed my shoes and stripped me from my clothes I protested but I was too tired and he insisted and he put one of his shirts over my head and he took off his clothes which of course I couldn't help ogling my stunning mate he turned around and winked. "It's all yours take a good look you'll only see this the rest of your life sweet cheeks." I blushed and looked away ashamed I was caught, he laughed and once he was only in his boxers he got into bed with me as I hugged my pregnancy pillow and he wrapped an arm around my waist I was out fast asleep.

I woke up went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth hopped into the shower warming my aching back and feet once I finished washing my hair and body I wrapped my towel around my body. I then took off my towel and threw on my robe and dried my hair. I then went to my desk and finished my homework for tomorrow. Joe was at this point downstairs cooking breakfast, I thought it odd I didn't realise he could cook. "Hey hun it smells great why didn't you tell me you could cook?" He smirked "poorly this is my fourth attempt at cooking pancakes, bacons not hard to make." "Any more morning sickness love" I just shook my head two days ago was the last time I was sick I'm thrilled I don't have to rush to the toilet for it anymore.
Being a werewolf the pregnancy duration is shorter than a humans instead of nine months it's more like five months however since I'm a Luna carrying an Alphas offspring it's more like four months I was already showing quite a bit. I was nervous for school, well just the humans were making me nervous I can already imagine what they'll say about me. My hormones are driving me mad Tiana might go crazy on anyone who says anything negative towards our pups.

Kelsey had the same classes with me and if anyone spoke ill or even looked negatively towards me she went off on them, Tiana was snarling and trying to get out when the popular asshats walked and sneered at me I pushed her back even though a part of me would love to let her out, it wasn't going to happen. Pippin was pissed off that people were judging her friend and Luna sometimes Pippin took over and she shoved some girls roughly into the lockers and they would look into Kelsey's eyes but she was actually starting to transition into Pippin I had to yank her off "YOU WILL NOT ATTACK ANYONE" and I mind-linked Pippin "I appreciate it hun but you gotta let the whore go she ain't worth your energy trust me." She nodded and calmed right down letting the bitch go who looked like she was about to piss her pants I looked away so I wouldn't laugh.

Jessica and her posey had the guts to keep coming up to me with nasty comments and insults about me and my pups. They should have stopped before Joes class but no they continued and Joe lost it. He slammed his fist down roughly breaking Jessica's table, oh no Ace was coming through I mind-linked him "baby please calm down I know she's a fucked up bitch but you can't lose control here breath baby." As I cut off the link he calmed down instantly and he looked at me with sadness from Jessica's hurtful insults, he sent her and her friends to the Principle's office, he was a werewolf and knew I was no dumb party goer girl who slept around, he knew I was a Luna, Joseph's Luna.
I couldn't do much in P.E. I could barley see over my growing bump, so I was sitting at the side of the room and chatted to Kelsey until Mrs. Spellman told her to join the class for laps. I ended up quietly talking and rubbing my bump. I could feel my pups kick back in response which brought a smile to my lips as Tiana cooed over them. Everyone in the pack was super excited and supportive about their future leaders.
Nora was going to take me shopping after school for bigger maternity clothes and furniture for the pups nurseries.

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