Chapter 7 - Surprise

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Sophie's POV

Today's the day Joe wants to do a 'get to now you' Q and A after school. Tiana can't wait I'm on the fence. I can't tell him everything about me but I guess I can skim over the truth. "What are you on about he's our mate he would understand maybe even help us with Ryan and his she devil mate."
"Ok Tiana I know you think your helping, but as much as he's hurt me I don't want anyone particularly our mate hurting him." Great she gave me the silent treatment. I could tell she was pissed off, really that's what she was thinking he's my brother.

Kelsey said she had to leave I was to say the at least relieved I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach something bad would happen tonight.
Jeez have I always been such a pessimist I see a hand wave in front of my face, I snap out of my thoughts. "Hello earth to Sophie" Kelsey was amused she caught me of guard. "Sorry I was just dreading when my brother comes home." Kelsey gave me a longer hug and we went to class.

I'm currently in science class my favourite subject, it's important for me to pass this class if I want to become a vet. I then meet Kelsey for P.E. We liked P.E. because we're werwolves but we also need to be careful because there are humans in this class we couldn't let loose so we paced ourselves for the circuit run to warm up. Then we split up into two teams Kelsey insisted on staying in my team she had a beef with Jessica long story short as kids they were friends, but Jessica became a spoilt uppity brat Kelsey had no time for that drama queen. Jessica made up an excuse after the first goal of our Hockey game. At the end of the game our team won 5 goals to 2.
Heading off the field I spotted Joe watching me, once our eyes met I looked at my feet and blushed Kelsey noticed and laughed "Girl you got it bad," "I do not." I said in return.
I was dreading last period English as I got to class his scent hit me hard at least now I know why it was so strong.
As always during class he would sneak looks at me or purposefully ask me questions which irked me so much. I believe he knew this as I caught him smirking at me more than once. English wasn't my strongest subject. The bell rang signalling the end of school everyone rushed out so I pretended to pack my stuff, when they left I walked up to his desk 'for our talk.'

Joseph's POV

I know I was pissing her off but I love hearing her voice, I thought my mate would love the subject I taught but boy I was wrong. She wasn't bad though she got above average grades but she didn't like the subject.
I know she loves animals obviously or she wouldn't work at a vets, but I need to know more about her. I wonder what her family's like my parents would love to meet hers, I'm also interested does she have siblings it would be nice to have a brother or sister.
Once everyone left she came up to my desk looking nervous. "You've got absolutely nothing to be afraid of love. We're just getting to know each other I promise I won't push something your not comfortable telling me."
She visibly relaxed so I let her ask first. "Have you any siblings," "no my mother always wanted a daughter well I guess now she's got one." Sophie smiled at that. I asked her the same Sophie instantly tensed up but then she took a calming breath. "I have an older brother Ryan." "What's he like" she didn't answer immediately but she eventually said "Ryan isn't around much he works part time as a mechanic but mainly hangs out with Amara his mate." "Your parents my mums super keen to meet them." Her face fell and I could see she was about to cry so I grabbed her putting her on my knee hugging her close. "I'm sorry baby you don't need to tell me." "Both you and your family c-can't meet my parents... they both died two years ago when our car crashed, they were then killed by wolves." She cried harder into my shoulder my heart broke for her I rubbed her back and kissed her forehead.
After a while Sophie got off my lap wiped her eyes and I walked her out of school I offered her a lift home which she declined saying she would prefer to walk to get air so I gave her my number to call me later, she hugged me and giggled when she heard Ace purr at her actions and left.

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