Chapter 20 - I Will Never Leave Them Again

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Sophie's POV

I know Amara has gone to tell Joe were I am, but it feels like weeks since not a few days by now I was back on the table but instead of drowning my throat in Wolfsbane he was craving some 'creative time' drawing symbols like he did before with a silver blade so my skin wouldn't heal as quickly as usual. I screamed then clamped my mouth shut as my tears were silently falling off my face. Then Amara came back he stopped briefly and pulled her into a rough kiss "don't take that long again." She just ignored him, looked at me with a slight smile that only I noticed. Ryan was pissed every time Amara would ignore him. So my pack was here probably waiting for an opportunity.

I was now on my mattress recovering from my new fresh wounds I just want to see my mates face. I was so weak he never fed me just let me out to the toilet twice a day. All of a sudden I heard furniture crashing upstairs ok my pack must be here, there was growling which I could only hear thanks to my werewolf hearing. Then I saw Ace on the other side of the cell he ran at the door and managed to ram it in, I could see his face was slightly burned from the silver of the cell but he didn't care. I saw his coat, covered in blood then I smelt that it was my brother's blood. A very small part of me felt sorry for Ryan but then I heard Tiana laugh at the thought, she's back. "Dam I love you Tiana I missed you." "I know hun I'm sorry you always could take more pain than I." I reached my aching arms out to Ace he lowered his head into my chest and purred I wrapped my bruised and scarred arms around him cradling his head and stroking him.
He then moved back to look at me " Hey baby, god I missed you so much, I will strap you to my side for life now and forever." He mind-linked me as I cleared my tears from my face at the joy of seeing him. I tried to laugh but it felt like glass in my throat. My stomach was in so much pain from digesting all the Wolfsbane. "Get on my back I'll take you to the pack doctor." He lowered himself till he lay down in front of me as I struggled to lie onto his back I lost the strength to stand from the beatings. I held on tightly to his fur, upstairs I spotted my brother and Amara and other bodies Ace lay down because I wanted to say my final farewell to Amara. I cried over her we could have been best friends. I know my pups would have loved their Aunt. She was the only body not covered in blood my pack didn't kill her, she died because her mate died.

"I want to burry her she deserves at least that." Ace nodded and I heard him through mind-link. "You heard your Luna carry her back to her old pack her family will want a proper send off." Philip an Omega in our pack carried Amara's body out the door. Suddenly I was embraced again and my bestie wept in my arms, I hugged her as tightly as I could manage. I pointed to my throat she understood I couldn't talk to her, "next time you go shopping I'm never letting you go without me, got it." I nodded and smirked and she stood up. Jackson greeted me and pulled Kelsey to his side and I slid back onto Ace's back and we rode off home.

Once I was in the pack hospital Joe had shifted back and I was greeted by the whole pack I felt so many emotions that I was tearing up relieved to see my pack and overwhelmed with emotions. "Alright everyone we appreciate your love and concern for your Luna but she needs to see the doc so everyone can go home." Joe used his alpha voice and picked me back up and carried me into the room and placed me on the bed.
The doctor came in and took x-rays "you have a broken rib and two cracked ones, we pumped your stomach of all the Wolfsbane." I could feel Joe tense beside me I squeezed his hand tighter to reassure him. "The lacerations on your back and marks around your arms are already starting to heal but will leave scars. I think Tiana May have worked very hard on that judging on how deep they were. Luna you are one of the strongest Lunas I have ever had the privilege to meet, she will need to be on bed rest for two weeks by then her wounds and ribs will have healed she will also need proper nutrition as she seemed to have been starved, Luna Sophie should make a full recovery Alpha." He bowed in respect and left the room.

"Joe I need to see my pups now." "Yes my love, my mother was struggling with looking after them, they only settled when I brought them one of your shirts." Oh my poor babies they must be done in. He carried me home to our pups and set me on my feet. I looked into their cots and they opened their eyes and smiled brightly at me I fed them both and winded them then I kissed their little heads. "Mummy missed her babies, I never stopped thinking about either of you, I met your Aunty Amara, she will watch over you as well as Grandma and Grandpa for the rest of your lives." I kissed them both again "alright babies time for bed." Joe said as he kissed them and helped me put them to bed. I was were I was meant to be now I'm glad to the Moon Goddess for keeping me alive long enough to find my mate and create our family.

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