Chapter 2 New Teacher

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Joseph's POV

Instead of being nervous I was actually looking forward to my first day at Grove-Moore High School. It was a mixed school of both humans and werwolves so unfortunately Ace (my wolf) was not getting out. However he was very jumpy for some reason, as I entered my classroom before the students obviously would come in Ace was becoming even more unsettled but not in a nervous way more excited like something good was about to happen.

Then the most incredible scent hit me of Honey and Strawberries, at this point Ace was screaming "MATE MATE" my god. My Luna, my queen I finally found her the fact she was a student didn't bother me I hoped it wouldn't bother her. Werwolves don't really care if they're mate is their student doesn't happen often but it can, humans on the other hand are more judgemental. Then I noticed her as she walked in beautiful long wavy blonde hair brown eyes my god she's stunning.

She was perfect I've found my mate I can't help but say this to myself. I continued to stare at her but acknowledged the rest of the class as I introduced myself. I barely noticed the girl in the front row staring and fawning over me wow what a creepy girl. The boys were chatting to anyone else but me until I had everyone's attention I began my lesson. I could sense her wolf was very subdued and Ace couldn't really feel her either so we knew she had not shifted and was not 16 yet. I hope her birthdays soon so she can sense me as her mate.

At the end of class I hand out a comprehension as homework when I got to Sophie to hand her homework. Our hands touched I felt a warm sizzling sensation up my hand through my arm another sign she was my mate. I noticed she felt something similar because she gasped her eyes went wide when she looked at me briefly the quickly looked away taking the homework. I could watch her all day I know I just sounded like a stocker but I can't help but fawn over my mate. Once everyone was gone I gathered up my planner and coat and left for the woods behind the school, were I shifted into my black and white wolf Ace for a much needed run.

 Once everyone was gone I gathered up my planner and coat and left for the woods behind the school, were I shifted into my black and white wolf Ace for a much needed run

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