Chapter 8 - New Home

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Joseph's POV

I was in my office with my Beta Jackson we were discussing were all the rogues were coming from. After about two good hours of discussion and paperwork Jackson went to get coffee. A minute later I felt a sting around my neck that got hotter and hotter, I cursed in pain what was happening to me I panicked and shouted to Ace for help he just howled and disappeared.
My stomach felt like I was being stabbed, I grabbed my phone and texted Sophie I hope she couldn't feel my pain, she didn't reply. Jackson ran in and saw me on the floor clutching my stomach. He mind-linked the pack doctor Rueben to hurry here shortly after Dr.Rueben rushed over to me removed my jacket and shirt, checked my vitals then the marks that just appeared on my skin. Just then a slicing pain ripped threw my spine the doc saw what he said looked like whipping marks. I was a blubbering mess what was happening to me. Dr.Rueben injected painkillers into my veins. "Alpha I believe it is your mate's pain you are feeling." Doc said "SHIT MATE, MATE SHE'S BEING HURT HELP MATE!" Ace tried to force through. "Yes Alpha your mate is feeling the pain five times worse than you are feeling it." I growled loudly and let Ace take over as he stood the doc tranquillised me. "I'm sorry Alpha but you need to rest" then I was out.

Sophie's POV

My alarm woke me up early so I could make my brothers breakfast as I sat up I gulped in a large breath and winced at the horrendous stinging sensation on my back. I eventually stood up and made my bed then I stopped and saw the smeared bloody marks from last night of my back and body on my sheets, great looks like today's a laundry day. I stripped my bed as I walked out the room to sneak a peak into my brother's I noticed he wasn't there. Shit was he already up I ran downstairs, threw my sheets in the washing machine and went to the kitchen. He wasn't there I saw a small note on the counter. "Hey rat I'm outta here I think I've suffered enough raising you, your a pain but don't worry I'm sure our paths will cross one day, don't miss me too much. The one and only Ryan." He's gone I can't believe it just then I heard the voice I've missed so much last night. "Hey angel I hope your not mad at me for leaving you, the truth is I'm not as strong as you and I disappeared to try and heal some of your wounds, the silver and wolfsbane was too much for me." "No I'm not mad at you Tiana I never could I was worried I'd lost you forever." I went back to my room washed my hair over the bath and washed my body by hand I was too sore for a shower, I brushed my teeth dried my hair put on skinny jeans and a hoodie for comfort I was in no mood to dress up for school.
As I got to school I thought at least Ryan wouldn't be around to hurt me anymore, I still didn't feel safe in my house, too many bad memories I was scared he'd come back in the middle of the night to torture me. Kelsey saw me and like always was a big support and distraction for me she knows last night was the worst of all but she also knew I don't like talking about it. When I was in math class I only then noticed the 3 missed text messages from Joe crap and going to hear about it later.
After school I said bye to Kelsey once she left I went back to my locker until I felt  a hand gently  grab my arm I knew from the warm tingly feeling shooting up my arm it was Joe he pulled me into an empty classroom. To my surprise instead of ranting he smashed his lips against mine, in a hungry passionate kiss he pulled away and I whimpered from the loss of his fine lips.

Joseph's POV

When I saw her stare into her locker I was both relieved and worried. I grabbed her arm and pulled her into a classroom. I didn't wait for her to speak I had to kiss her she was a little taken back by my actions but soon was kissing me back. My wolf was ecstatic I then pulled away when she whimpered I would have laughed if I wasn't pissed off about last night I had questions that needed answering.
"Ok babe tell me why I felt your pain last night, who did this to you?" "I-I mmpphh  please do I have to tell you now." Sophie asked me something I was finding it hard not to tell her yes I have to know but I'll be patient. "No you don't but I would like to know soon whoever did all that to you must pay for it understand." She just nodded her head looking down the entire time.
"Well Sophie I have another question to ask you, I want you to move in with me don't worry I'm not forcing myself on you I just need you to be safe baby that's all I want especially after last night."

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