Chapter 6 - Happy Birthday to Me

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Sophie's POV

It's been a week since my BF's birthday and the hell that took four days to recover from. Today however is my birthday I am super happy because every year since my parents died my brother takes off for a week. He says it's because he can't stand to see my ugly self every day let alone the day my parents made a big mistake to bring me into the world. I wake up go down the hall to make sure the coast is clear yup he's gone. When I reach the kitchen my phone rings its video call "KELSEY" I squeal down the phone. "Happy birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you Skittles" ( her nickname for me.) "Hey Hun thanks well you know I'm both happy and sad today," she interrupted "WHY THE HELL ARE YOU SAD you can't be sad on your big day." "I know but I wish Ryan wasn't an ass and he celebrated it with me he's the only blood I got left you know, but I know he's not my only sibling I got an amazing sister. She's fun and bubbly can be stubborn at times I think you would like her." "Who's she, she sounds absolutely fabulous" we're laughing our faces off.
"Well it's a Ryan free week you ready to hang with me all week Kels." "Girl I look forward to this every year, but naturally this ones extra special my girlfriends 16 finally sister."

Kelsey is over watching Netflix trying to pick something to watch we finished our homework she helped go over my French Oral speech thing. Then she says "close your eyes now don't open them till I say." I roll my eyes but humour her and close my eyes, "open them" I open them immediately grab the present and rip the paper off it's a beautiful case I'm guessing a jewellery set. I was right it was aqua stone necklace and matching earrings aqua is my favourite colour. I squealed and hugged her side tight.

"SHIT" "what's wrong Kels "you'll be shifting soon come on we got to get you to the woods ASAP" crap she was right

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"SHIT" "what's wrong Kels "you'll be shifting soon come on we got to get you to the woods ASAP" crap she was right. We grabbed my bag I locked up behind me and we darted to the woods in a secluded place we're no humans could see or hear us if they were out here this time of night.
I sat on my knees so that when the pain comes I wouldn't fall to the ground, Kelsey had my phone ready for the picture I could feel the pain of my muscles stretching but unlike Kelsey I'm kind of use to pain. This part didn't hurt as bad I knew more pain would come, it did it got more intense Kelsey was rubbing my back. "I know how you feel but if anyone can pull it off it's you." I love that girl so supportive. "AAHH I winced out" my bones were reforming and I could see my hands change into paws my clothes ripped off then the pain was gone. "It's about time I'm out now hunny I have waited 16 long painful years to talk to you, and before you ask I'm your wolf Tiana." I looked at her picture on my phone. She was mainly white her back and ears have grey fur and she has white tail with a grey stripe from her back down to the tip of her tail.
"Wow you look amazing" she laughed and corrected me. " No we look amazing and thanks sweetie, oh YES!"  "What is it Tiana?" "TURN AROUND NOW!" I did what she said "MATE MATE MATE!" I see the wolf I walked to work with every weekend he's my mate I stood there frozen but he was far from frozen and his scent was amazing mint and woodsy YUM! He wagged his tail furiously and ran up and rubbed his head in my neck Tiana was actually purring like a cat. Kelsey says she'll talk to me later and leaves us alone.

Joseph's POV

I could smell my mate's scent begin to get stronger Ace could feel her wolf and was eager to see her. I didn't hold him back he took off in the direction of her scent. As we neared her location he slowed to a walk so as not to startle his mate. Then I saw the most beautiful white and grey wolf and her brown eyes. I saw her scent the air finally she knows I'm her mate then those beautiful eyes of hers land on me. My tail wagged like crazy I yipt and ran to her rubbing my head in her neck to get my scent on her she purred hmm. I licked her muzzle and her friend made an excuse to leave which I was thankful for. I barked in excitement I knew she needed to bond with her wolf so some running was in order. When I barked again she followed me through the woods. When you first shift your legs aren't all co-ordinated with each other I support her body weight against me to help her I feel the sparks and the warmth from my mate's touch. Then we slowed down once we were back, she's exhausted and lies down. Me being an Alpha always on the look out for danger watch my surroundings when I'm sure my mate will be safe I lay next to her and lick her cheek, Sophie lays her head on my paws. We lay there a while she got shakily up on all fours and we left supporting her when she needed me to.

Once we reached her clothes she looked unsure, I yipped and ran back to get my clothes I hated leaving her already, I soon returned she perked up when seeing me and I went behind the tree to shift back. When I re-appeared she was a shocked as a wolf can look, probably because I was her teacher and now also her mate.
I reassured her we'd talk when she shifted. I explained how she would shift back,  imagining her human body hair colour skin tone everything about her human appearance. She nodded her head in understanding and went behind a large boulder with her clothes to shift.
It took a while but I could hear her bones re-breaking and moulding back into place she was screaming in pain. Ace and I both wanted to comfort our mate but I held him back. Sophie wasn't ready for us to see her naked at this point. After a while she came out from behind the boulder 'god so pretty' focus man focus.

Sophie's POV

I couldn't believe it my teacher is my mate. "I suppose you want to talk but can't find the right words." Great he's a freaking mind reader. He explained everything from his wolf sensing my presence before we met to the sparks we both felt when we touched.

After he explained how he felt we agreed to talk about it more at the end of school. Usually I would be terrified to be late cause Ryan would for sure severely punish me but he's away for a week so I was comfortable to meet up with Joe ( he said he'd rather I call him Joe rather than Joseph.) I needed to get back to Kelsey so I grabbed my bag and he walked me back home. He reached over and kissed my forehead I began to blush which of course he saw. "I love being the one to make you blush gorgeous" crap I blush even harder now my face I'm pretty sure is now the colour of a tomato I tried to hide it but he gently hooked his fingers under my chin and lifted my face up so I had no choice but to look at him. "Don't hide from me love" he kissed my cheek "I can't wait to see you tomorrow baby." I waved him off because I lost the ability to speak I went inside and quickly locked the door behind me.

I went up stairs stripped of my clothes and got my pyjamas on. I went to the kitchen and started to make Lasagne with Kelsey well when I say we I mean I She has got to learn to cook someday.

"So tell me who's your mate" Kels always nosey. I thought to Tiana " can I tell her." "Of course you can tell her I trust her and Pippin as much as you do she won't judge honest."
I told Kelsey everything how my mate is actually Mr.Wescot although he said I could call him Joe, how he felt when we met at school. She didn't judge me she was a little surprised but recovered real quick. "This stays between us I'm not ready for the entire school to find out yet." She promised we ate, then put our plates away in the dishwasher and when to the living room to watch Pitch Perfect 3 to sing our hearts out to. Once the movie ended we went upstairs and brushed our teeth and went to bed.

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