Chapter 14 - Fun after Formal

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Warning ⚠️ chapter contains sexual content, so if you don't want to read it it's fine skip to the next chapter.

Sophie's POV

After the formal we came home and I chucked my shoes at the door, as my mate's OCD kicked in as he took them upstairs to place them in a certain way in my wardrobe. Meanwhile I made myself comfy in the living room and turned on the tv. When Joe came back he was missing his jacket, tie and shoes he sat down pulling me beside him as I rested my head against his shoulder. After he was bored of tv he picked me up wrapping my body around his waist and walked up to our bedroom.
We were in a frenzied kissing war, while he was pulling my dress above my hips. And slammed us against the wall. I gasped as my back hit the cold wall. He started biting my bottom lip as he kissed my jaw then with his trailing kisses down my neck till he reached my mark. I was a moaning mess as he sucked and nipped on my mark, I leaned my head back enjoying everything.

I took off my earrings and necklace he did not put me down once when he carried me to the bed. He reached my zipper and quickly removed my gown tossing it on the floor. I didn't care at this point. It was backless so luckily for him he got the full view of my naked chest and judging by the tent in his trousers he was definitely enjoying it. He was staring at me with so much lust and want, he started kissing my neck then he was bitting, not missing an inch of skin, he trailed light featherweight kisses down my exposed breasts, as he started to growl he began to message breasts and the he sucked and kissed them. "UUMM babe your so beautiful, 'kiss' and all mine 'kiss'" kissing his way down my stomach. He hooked his fingers through my thong pulling and ripping them off when he saw how wet I was he looked up and our eyes met but it wasn't Joe it was Ace looking at me with carnal want. "So WET LOVE" his voice was so husky. I reached down his belt when he grabbed my wrists and yanked them above my head "better not move them" he spread my legs wider, he stood and removed his trousers and pants, when his large dick sprang out fully ready for me. He doesn't hesitate and goes for my neck bitting and sucking . Then I felt whole when he slammed his dick into me "gggrrmm baby" I wanted to scream but he muffled it by kissing me. He started to make love to me as I arched my back to meet his thrusts I was digging my nails into his back and wrapping my legs around his waist to take him deeper inside me. "Joe, Joe" I kept breathing out his name as his thrusts started to increase pace, I love how he makes me feel. His thrusting starts to become wilder as I feel my orgasm ebb, a couple more thrusts and my realise came with a scream. Joe followed shortly after "MY GIRL" when he came spilling himself inside me.

We lay in the same spot for some time sated from our love making. He pulled out, rolled onto his back laying me on his chest. "I love you so much Sophie thank you for being with me." I smiled into his chest and was lulled to sleep by the sound of his heartbeat. The whole night was perfect except for Jessica, I love him so much.

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