Chapter 18 - Living With Pups

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Pic above white pup is Gareth's wolf form and black pup is Isabella's wolf form.

Sophie's POV

It's been a week since the pups were born, I will have to re-sit my exam but I don't care right now. We are home and trying to get the pups settled into their nursery. I want to see what their pup forms are plus Tiana wanted out to bond with her pups, she loves them so much already but it's not the same for her. Usually when a werewolf first shifts they're in a lot of pain however when they're pups the parents somehow manage to transfer that pain to themselves so the pups have a nice first shift.
We carry our babies out to our meadow and lay them on the blanket on the ground. We have spare clothes and nappies for after they shift. Joseph and I shift I look at the babies and let out a wolf huff and growl, this is Tiana's way of calling her pups.
After less than two minutes I feel sharp stinging in my bones but it's not too bad I know Joe feels it too, it's the pups pain we're taking. I admired our pups forms Isabella's pup form was midnight black whereas Gareth was the total opposite and pure white so white it shimmered in the light. Tiana and Ace spent the next few minutes bonding, licking them and rubbing our heads on them leaving our scents on them so they feel calm. They then came up and repeated our actions as Joe and I heard a buzzing noise which made Tiana so relaxed her bond was made with our pups. The pups yipped happily at us and played with each other biting and jumping on each other. They struggled walking at first but shortly got the hang of it as they walked under our legs to keep up with us. I suddenly smelt rotten fruit and knew it was the stench of rogues my hackles rose as I mind-linked Joe who was playing with Isabella at the time he immediately stopped and Tiana told the pups 'stay right there don't move babies.' They whimpered but stayed put. I quickly put a fire ball shield around them. If any wolf besides me who touches my shield burns, but the pups are safe inside.

The rogues looked confused and shocked some showed fear there was roughly 40 rogues

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The rogues looked confused and shocked some showed fear there was roughly 40 rogues. They growled and stupidly three tried to attack the pups I snarled nearing my pups and those that touched my shield I could feel my power incinerate them to ash the pups couldn't see anything but a blue cloud around them thank god. The rest of the rogues got the picture not to attack the pups. The pack came and we all growled loudly I could feel  my powers itching to be free so I made a fire wall and pushed it smirking at the rogues as it approached them forcing them back. The rogues that weren't quick enough to get out of the way burned and died leaving just 13 rogues left for us to attack I was slightly drained so I wouldn't be using anymore power we had 52 wolves so we easily took out the remaining wolves. Tiana was able to keep constant contact with the pups through the shield so they wouldn't feel too scared.

Once we won the pack bowed and left us I double checked that it was just Joe and I before letting the shield dissipate as soon as it was gone the pups bounded over to us shaking and whining as they rubbed their bodies on us seeking comfort and reassurance. They of course were shaken up from the ordeal Joe and I licked our pups to console them. Tiana told them to shift back they did Joe was already changed and ready to change them whilst I went behind a tree and shifted back throwing on my clothes as fast as possible. We swaddled them in their blankets packed up and went home, what an eventful day that was, that was not the first thing I wanted my pups to experience.

I had the pups fed and changed Nora and I were going to take the pups shopping for bigger baby outfits because as you know they outgrow them pretty quickly and I like to be prepared. Nora loved her grand babies she came over every day for her daily hold and cuddle sessions. When we were finished shopping she and Johnny volunteered to take them on a walk with them for some private time then they would leave them home afterwards. We walked in through a baby boutique they had everything from pacifiers to furniture. The twins were in their pram sleeping Nora and I selected two pairs of sizes 3-6 months and 6-9months Nora insisted on buying their clothes as it's "what grandparents like to do." I knew once Nora decided to do something no-one could stop her, how I look up to that woman, she reminded me of my mother a little. I pushed the thought away so I wouldn't start to tear up, today is suppose to be a fun day. The twins woke up as we were leaving the store. I went to the baby changing stall, to check their nappies turned out Isabella was the only one needed changed, once I had her decent again I made up their bottles as both were crying for food. It was great that at least when one cried for the bottle the other joined in so I wouldn't have separate feeding times.
Once their bottles were cool enough Nora and I sat at a booth in Burger King, Nora went to get our food whilst I picked up Gareth and started to feed him when Nora returned with our food she picked up Isabella and started to feed her. A couple young people kept staring at me probably judging me because I was a teen mum, Nora noticed and gave them all cold glares and they turned around. She was more like a friend than a mother-in-law-to-be, we did get some couples come up to us to coo and ask about the babies which I didn't mind, I was happy and proud to show off my pride and joys.
Once we ate we burped the twins as they fell asleep we laid them in their prams, I hugged and thanked Nora and Johnny and told them I'd be home in an hour or so, two hours at most, so for her to tell Joe not to worry. She nodded we said goodbye again and I kissed my babies and happily walked into the store Next, I was searching for skinny jeans now I finally had a figure resembling what I had before the pups. I kept looking over my shoulder Tiana was on edge and started getting agitated, I was nervous we were being watched.
Then I felt a cloth go over my mouth I tried to hold my breath in the hope they'd remove it but I couldn't hold my breath any longer, I smelt the Chloroform and soon everything went dark.

A/N The next chapter will include violence, torture and bad language that younger readers might want to skip ⚠️

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