Chapter 19 - When Your Past Comes Back To Bite You.

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⚠️ ⚠️This chapter will include violence and torture if you do not wish to read please move onto the next chapter, thanks.

Amara's POV (Sophie's brother's Mate

Ryan gave me instructions from when he left his sister to keep an eye on her and report back to him " but don't get spotted by Sophie or her new pack." I'm starting to get pissed off with him couldn't he just move on already so we could be happy together. I have been following her around for months and I noticed when she got bigger she was pregnant as much as I dislike this girl I Know what her brother plans and an innocent pup should not be involved so I didn't inform Ryan of her pregnancy. I kept telling him the same boring thing so he wouldn't start his plan, I told him that she was just always around her new pack training and that she definitely has been marked so he knew she could mind-link with her mate and their pack. He didn't care and told me to only inform him if she was in pup so he could 'kill two birds with one stone.' He was hell bent on killing his entire family why I don't care to know. Look I hate Sophie but I couldn't have pups and for that reason I wasn't going to sentence hers to death.
It's been three months since I last saw Sophie, Ryan had sent some of his rogues to attack not to kill her or her mate, when none returned back he sent me back out to spy and prepare for her capture. I was getting really rather fed up if he wanted her so badly why not get her himself. Anyway I saw her when she left her pack with twins OMG "Focus on the plan you twit." Colby my wolf kept saying, ever since she was told she couldn't have pups she wasn't as chirpy, became more aggressive and snippy. Once I saw Sophie with her pups and an older woman go into a baby store I hung back, until I heard the older woman say her goodbyes to Sophie as she left with Sophie's pups, time to execute the plan. I had the cloth in my hand making sure to keep it away from my face, once she looked down I saw my shot and quickly covered her mouth with it. I realised she was holding her breath but eventually she would breathe it in. Once I shoved her into the backseat of my car I drove off to Ryan's country cottage, located on a cliff far away from anyone and anything it was his family holiday home.

Sophie's POV

My head feels so sore right now I'm a bit disorientated then I remember someone putting a cloth over my mouth and then I was out. I tried to stand but winced instantly my hands were hung above my head my knees felt numb from kneeling on the hard ground. I looked around and it hit me, I'm in my family's old barn of our holiday home. I looked to the left corner and saw skeletons hung like I was dear god I don't want to end like that that I have a family that needs me. "Tiana I need your help." There was no reply from her.
The last time I was here was four years ago. I don't want to stay here any longer, but then my hair was yanked back. "Wakie, wakie you little shit." As Ryan said this he pulled chains that were attached to my cuffs and pulled me up until my toes were just touching the ground. "Why do you keep wanting to hurt me Ryan I haven't done anything to you, ever since our parents died all you seem to want to do is hurt me." My head was flung back (SLAP) "YOU'LL SPEAK WHEN I TELL YOU TO have you forgotten my rules already BITCH." I hung my head down and of course because of the silver I could never mind-link my mate or talk to Tiana, I was back to were I started a year ago. "Well today I'm reunited with my worthless sibling most brothers would give you a break, not me as you know I prefer to watch you get what you deserve, god I miss the screaming. So don't worry I won't leave you in suspense, by the way how's your mate gonna come without you. Mates to a teacher tut tut tut naughty girl."
As always I saw him reach for his favourite whip at least it wasn't the spiked whip. So he knew about Joe how though please tell me, he doesn't know about my pups I could feel Tiana growl at the thought she was strong as a guardian but fierce as a mum, at least I could still feel her. "As I lash you, you're gonna count every single one got it whore." I nodded in response to use my powers I need time out of the silver so I was pretty weakened by it. As he started his first one I counted, I winced at the memory of this comes back, I know eventually it won't hurt I will feel numb I welcome that. "I DON'T HEAR YOU COUNTING." "46" I said I could feel him smirking from behind me, the bastard. We got to 50 and he luckily stopped I couldn't feel the pain anymore. Tiana though felt everything our wolves feel our pain even more than we do, so naturally she was very withdrawn to try and recover.

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