Chapter 1

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11 years ago

Ruby ran away as fast as she could. She could no longer take it and needed to get away. After her mother, Summer Rose, died, her remaining family neglected her, and refused Ruby her aspirations to become a Huntress. Then one night, she decided that they were not family. They may have raised her, but they never really cared about what she wanted, or who she was. If they did, then she wouldn't have departed in the first place. She would probably have gone to Signal Academy where she can learn and even make her own personal weapon just like her older sister. Even speaking about her left a painful sensation in her chest. As far as Ruby was concerned, it could never be her home anymore.

Days later

"This was a mistake," Ruby reflected as her stomach growled for the umpteenth time.

In her hurry to leave"home", she did not really pack much stuff with her. She crammedclothes, some food, and took whatever money she could grab, but it did not lasther long. And to cap it all, she had got lost in this forest. She was far, faraway from Patch and even Vale. She was able to sneak onboard a convoy visitingthe Kingdom and abandoned the secure confines of its borders

After holding off another painful whine regarding her equally pained and empty stomach, Ruby stumbled across something. It was a large stone gate that lead into some kind of dusty, dark chamber. She heard thunder strike above the clouds and felt the rain starting to come down. Needing to flee from the unforgiving storm, the four-year-old went over and took refuge inside the chamber.

What she had seen next left her utterly slack-jawed.

Within the room was a massive, archaic statue resting on a throne made of granite. It did not appear human in terms of appearance, possessing a very large physique with long arms, short legs and no visible neck or head. Primarily white, it had a few black stripes located on its body and yellow plates surrounding their wrists, shoulders, and another in their upper region. Around its feet and it's back was some kind of plant or moss growing on it. Ruby looked over the statue in interest, forgetting all about being hungry. But then, lights started blinking in the center of its face.

 But then, lights started blinking in the center of its face

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Then three pairs of crystal lights began glowing colors of white, blue, and red.


The statue started moving. Dust began to fly off of its body as it slowly rose off its throne.



Roman Torchwick stalked down the streets of Vale. He had an agenda tonight. Dust, and lots of it. Of course, finding a Dust shop open so late was no small task, but he managed one quickly enough. 'From Dust Till Dawn' was an ironic name just waiting to be heisted. His lackeys trailed behind him and people side-stepped on the street to avoid him. It was good to be the king.

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