Chapter 3 The leap

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I tend to go into third person and first person a lot but bear with me, it's easier for me (A/N)

Bakugo third-person view
(Before sludge, after school)

"Yo Katsuki" one of his 'Friends' replied in a sincere tone

"WHAT?" Bakugo replied with anger

"Don't you think you went a little hard on him? I mean yeah sure he deserves it but you heard him right? He said he might do it!" Bakugos friend said sincerely

"Tch, is that really what you worried about? I've been trying to get rid of that damn nerd for years, there is no way he'll quit now" Bakugo scoffed at the thought

"If you say so, that was still a little far.."

"If you're so worried about him why don't you go throw him a pity party, cause if so your just as bad as him" Bakugo sneered

"..yeah your right, fuck him anyway"


A little bit of a walk home and and wild experience occures.

Something Bakugou never expected. 

"Ugh GET OFF ME!" Bakugo screamed which mixed with fire and explosions as the sludge villain grabbed hold

"Help me!" He pleaded to his friends after his attempts failed, as they ran away,

As bakugo saw this he started losing hope, but his determination of being the best hero, won't make him go down easily.

Struggling for 14 minutes straight, getting air every 3 or so minutes from heroes trying to attack, but nothing worked.

Bakugo stared at the heroes who were doing nothing to help him and began to lose all hope,



Why is he here?

He tossed his book bag and as soon as I was about to pass out, the villain lost his hold over my face
I could breathe, I gasped for air then spat out the remaining sludge,




Later that night I had trouble getting to sleep, the words Izuku said really got to Me.

"What were you doing? Standing and watching while I went to save my friend?"


Does he really think that after everything I've done to him?

Bakugo had a guilt riddled dream about Izuku that night, everything he has done to him, how nice Izuku still chooses to be friendly, His smile and those stupid green emerald eyes.

"Damn it why am I giving this so much thought"

"I'll need to apologise, or at least thank him for saving me, but I can't do it. It's the fucking nerd after all... Damn it... He didn't save me. But he tried...
That damn nickname kacchan, it's echoing in my fucking head"

"I'll try tomorrow. The last day of school. Then I will never have to see him again"


Izuku POV

"IZUKU, where were you? I was so worried about you, you can't ever do that to me again"


"I don't think I can handle another scare like that, promise me izuku," Inko said while grasping her son in her hands

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