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Name: Maria the hedgehog

Race: Mobian/ Hedgehog

Age: 12

50+ (chronologically)

Alignment: Good
Evil (get control by The Metarex)

Eyes: (different colors whenever she touches the Chaos Emeralds)
Dark Red (being control)

Nickname: sunshine
Little flower
My speedier
Dark Hedgehog

Likes: sonic and his friends,running, sweets, singing, dancing, swimming, nature, saving people, protect, adventures and flying.

Dislikes: Dr Eggman, Metarex, getting taking, being control and Amy obsessed with Sonic.

Birthplace: Space Colony ARK (human)
Sonic's world (hedgehog)

Personally: Maria is the most powerful hedgehog in the universe. She can defeat sonic and shadow. Maria love her friends and she will do anything to protect them. Maria is connected to the chaos emeralds and master emerald. She's also similar to Sonic and her friends. Maria also have a secret crush on Sonic and Shadow, but she hides it well especially from Amy.

History: Maria was a human named Maria Robotnik. 50 years ago she was born on Space Colony ARK. From birth, she was suffered from an illness that made her body weak. As such, she couldn't leave the ARK and go visit Earth. Her grandfather Gerald Robotnik created an immortal creature name Shadow the Hedgehog and Maria became close friends with him.

When GUN attacked the ARK Maria and Shadow escape the GUN soldiers. When Shadow was in one of the escape pods Maria was getting ready to pull the lever. In an attempt to escape a GUN soldier named Schmidt warned Maria to not pull the lever, but she ignored him and Schmidt shoot her. When Maria was in her last strength, she begged Shadow to help bring happiness to humanity to her sake.

50 years later Dr. Eggman found Maria in a capsule and recreated his cousin as a hedgehog, but she have no memories of her human past. But she won't let anyone get hurt or killed. Maria loves going on adventures with her friends and runs with Sonic.

Family: Dr. Eggman (cousin and creator)
Gerald Robotnik (grandfather deceased)

Powers and abilities: Immortality
Super Speed
Super Strength
Enhanced durability
Enhanced Jump
Enhanced stamina
Hand to hand combat skills
Extremely acrobatic skills and reflexes
Healing powers
Chaos Attack
Chaos Boost
Chaos Burst
Chaos Control
Chaos Inferno
Chaos Lance
Chaos Magic
Chaos Spear
Dash Boost
Double Jump
Dark Maria and Super Maria
Light speed dash and attack
Spin Dash
Heat vision
X-ray vision
Ice breath
Super hearing
And new powers

Skills: expert swordsman, archery, cooking, baking, mechanics, singing, dancing, hacking, martial arts (180 styles) and ninjutau.

Love Interests: Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic the Hedgehog

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