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"So you've been here for how long?" I question Ty, he had platinum blond hair and crystal blue eyes, his complexion was clear and pale and he was only a little bit taller than I was.

"1 year, Alby's been here for 3 years and a couple months." Ty explains and I nod my head, most of my time with the baggers I'd just been getting to know them seeing as it was the only thing to do.

"Alby was the first right?" I was 99% sure I was right but I couldn't help but get it confirmed.

"Yeah, then it was Gally, then Newt." Drew cut into the conversation and I nod in response. A minute goes by of the boys talking amongst themselves until I ask my 50th question of the afternoon.

"What do you guys do all day if barely anyone dies?" I ask them, Ty simply spreads his arms gesturing to all of the boys.

"Exactly what we're doing now, we've by far got one of the easiest jobs." I begin to think maybe being a bagger wouldn't be so bad if all they do is sit around and talk all day everyday, and plus these boys seem really nice. I don't think I could do it though, I was adamant that I needed to get out of these 4 suffocating walls and explore whatever's out there.

The baggers went back to talking but was soon interrupted by Frypan's obnoxiously loud pan clashing signifying that dinner was ready. My stomach grumbled on-que and I made my way over to get food. I grabbed a plate of beef and vegetables and sat on a table by myself, I couldn't see anyone I knew around.

Every thought I've had over that last two days catches up to me all at once and run around my brain, all screaming at me to be the most dominant thought. Why am I here? Where exactly are we? Where are all the girls? Why do I recognise Newt and Archie? Why can't I remember where I recognise them from? Why can't I remember anything in general? My thoughts are subsided by a large body sitting opposite me, I presume it's Newt or someone but I get a shock when I look up and see Gally sat there awkwardly.

"Yes?" My voice was ruder than I meant it to be.

Gally gulped before he spoke "I uh, I just wanted to apologise for last night."

"What do you mean?"

"With the wrestling thing, Archie's being giving my klunk for it all day because he's convinced that I purposefully shoved you as hard as I did." He admits quickly and my confusion grows, why is Archie giving him 'klunk' when it was clearly an accident?

"Well just ignore that idiot, it's fine and I know you didn't mean it." I shoot him a reassuring smile.

"Thanks Greenie, so are we good?"

"We're good," I nod "I honestly don't see why you have a bad reputation, you seem really nice."

"I've got no clue, I don't even know when it started it just sorta happened." He chuckles despite talking about people not liking him.

"Well clearly nobody got to know." I see him smile and he looks down to try and hide it.

"Did I see what I think I just saw." I tease and place my forefinger and bandaged thumb on his chin, lifting his face to meet mine and I lay my eyes on his smile.

"You should smile more," I take my hand away from his face "You suit it."

"Whatever." He scoffs playfully, just as I was about to speak Archie walks over and sits next to me, when he sits down our legs brush against each other but he doesn't move.

"Hey Lu, he ain't bothering you is he?" He gestures his head towards Gally and his smile instantly disappears.

"No Arch it's fine, we were in the middle of talking actually." Archie looks taken aback when I say this.

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