C5: Easy Target

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"Are you sure you're alright?" It's been a week since the news about Ken's brother came. It's also been a whole week since Shirley started to worry about Stell, he seems so quiet and distracted.

"Look, Shirley. I'm really sorry for making you worry about me. But it's just--a typical college student problem, paperwork and stuff." Lying to her would be the last thing he would do, but it seems impossible.

She sighed, "It's okay. I understand, we're having a lot of problems with our thesis too."

Just like the past few days, Stell's phone rang in the middle of their conversation. He excused himself and answered the call.

"You have to go to the shop." It was Josh. The "shop" was how they call the secret office or hideout when they execute a ransom plan. "I have some important news."

"I'm on my way." He dropped the call and said goodbye to Shirley, like every other day. As usual, she understood and told him to take care on his way--not knowing that the man she loves was about to do some dirty work.

When Stell arrived, he thought it was only Josh who's in the shop until Ken went out from the bathroom. He wasn't in class this morning since he was in the hospital the whole night, taking care of his brother and paying expenses using Josh and Stell's remaining money.

"What's your progress, Josh?" Looking around, the hideout was a mess again just like before. Sticky notes all over the wall, blueprints everywhere, wires used by Josh for some purposes.

Josh's eyes had dark circles and he is obviously tired. Looks like he never slept for the whole week to come up with the perfect plan.

He kept on clicking on his computer, "I found the perfect target, boys. Of course, you still remember the three elements we have to consider in picking the victim: weakness, strength, and money."

With another click, a photo of a guy playing the piano appeared on the screen, "There he is, that's the perfect target. We just have to study him a bit more and--"

"Sejun Nase?" Ken squinted his eyes to see the photo clearly. "Dude, he's a famous guy in school. He's the singer, right? What made you choose him?"

"Certainly, that's him." Josh grinned. "Julian De Dios and Nase's mother are business partners, and guess what? The Nase family has much more power than they have, and every powerful being has a special gem, and obviously, it's her son--Sejun."

He continued explaining with full enthusiasm. "Birds flock of--birds of the flock fly the same."

"It's birds of the same feather flock together, Josh." Stell corrected him. "And what does that have to do with our plan?"

Josh is a genius--in programming, computers, mathematics, hacking, and almost everything except for words. He instantly regretted using a proverb to explain their plan.

"If Julian De Dios and Mrs. Nase have been working for years about business, they certainly have the same feathers, Stell." Photos of them appeared on the screen. "They are both willing to give anything to save their precious gems."

"Look how smart you are, Josh." Ken tapped his shoulder.

"This is not going to be easy." Stell ran his fingers through his hair. "Although it seems easy because Sejun is such a softhearted person, we're not sure about what his family can do."

"There's nothing you can do when your precious gem is on the verge of killing himself, Stell." Josh walked towards him. "He is such a weak prey, he will fall easily into our bait."

"And what about the bait?" Ken asked. "Last time we made Justin De Dios fall in love with Amanda and broke up with him in the meanest way. Shall we do that again?"

"Definitely not." Josh turned to Ken. "Last time we had to pay Amanda as well, and she had to know about our plan. The Nase family is too powerful, they can know anything or pay anyone. They might discover who's helping us, causing the plan to be a complete failure. We have to do this all by ourselves."

They cannot control everything. That's the reason why they had to plan things out despite having their abilities. There will be times that the skies will be against you.

Stell shrugged, "This is ridiculous."

"Are you against the plan, Stell?" Josh crossed his arms. "I only had three hours of sleep the whole week to come up with this, but I'm not dumb to forget the first rule."

The plan itself and everything in it should be agreed 3 out of 3.

"I know." Stell took a deep breath out of frustration. "I just feel like there are too many unpredicted situations, seems this thing isn't going to work smoothly."

"It will." Suddenly, childhood photos appeared on the other screen. "Sejun's childhood friend died when he was 10, and he never had a best friend in his life ever again. I was able to have access to their living room's camera, and he still has a framed photo of his childhood best friend."

Please don't say what I am thinking of, Josh.

"Our job is to give him a best friend, a best friend he will die for." Josh wrapped his arms around Stell's shoulders. "Ken will be in the hospital most of the time to take care of his kuya. I will be the one checking the cameras and information here in the shop. And you, Stell--will be Sejun's best friend. Besides, you can easily distinguish a person. You know you're the best among the three of us."

There is no other choice, and Josh's plan proved a point. An easy target with a powerful family--what's better than that? "Fine, I will do it. Give me all his information."

"Great." Josh excitedly grabbed a bunch of papers and handed it to Stell and Ken. "All information is there--about Sejun, his family, their business, and even about his childhood best friend. Everything you need is in there."

He continued giving instructions, "Stell, give me a report of Sejun's weakness and strength range. Actually, they're in the information I gave you, however, we still have to make everything sure. You guys study all those information or else we're doomed."

"Wait, when do we start?" Ken flipped through the pages of the information folders.

"I'm in for it. Let's start tomorrow." Without saying goodbye, Stellvester left the shop.

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