C16: Advantage

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Justin was about to fall asleep in his room, illuminated by a bear-shaped mood lamp and decorated with glow-in-the-dark stickers. His phone rang just when he's about to close his eyes.

"Josh said tonight's our beauty rest." Justin groaned as he tried keeping himself awake. It was Stell on the other line.

"Beauty rest your crap." Stell's voice sounded tired too. "You worked with us for two freaking days and you want your beauty rest?"

"Josh said that's what you guys do two nights before the main event. I just did what he told me. Lucky you, you had time to bond with your best friend today."

"Acting like your somebody right now, aren't you?" Stell was annoyed with the way Justin responded. "If that's so, let's grab some beer. I will send you my address, just go directly to the rooftop."

"It's 11:00 in the eve--" Before Justin could disagree, Stell dropped the call and he had no other choice but to go before this guy kills him.

He sneaked out of their house and used his car. The streets were quiet and the whole city was asleep. Following the directions carefully, he successfully arrived at his destination.

Just like what Stell said, he went directly to the rooftop. Stell was leaning over the wall and staring at the view with a can of beer in his hand.

"You came." Stell gulped the remaining beer.

Justin sighed, annoyed. "You can't just disturb people in the middle of the night, Stell. I know I shouldn't be talking like this because we're not even close, but can't this wait until tomorrow? Josh doesn't even know something about this, does he?"

"You kept on spitting his name from your mouth," Stell remarked, hearing Josh's name from him every single time. "He's not the boss around here, okay? It just so happened that it was his ability to be a genius and plan things out without a single flaw--except for the inevitable happenings from the skies."

"Whatever." Justin crossed his arms and sat on a rocking chair behind a foldable bed Stell might be using. "Tell me what you want."

"Answers." Stell walked towards him and sat on the foldable bed. Both of them were now facing each other. "I know Josh will not tell me everything, but I need answers before the final day."

"I can't do that Stell. If Josh wouldn't do that, of course, me too. Defying his plans might cause serious trouble, you know that right?"

Hopeless, Stell sighed and clasped his hands together begging Justin to answer his questions. "Fine. Let's do this the other way. You have the ability to remember right? Meaning--you have an extraordinary memory as well."

Justin nodded slowly, knowing that he couldn't lie in front of Stell or anyone else. He wasn't born to do this--to execute a plan and using people for ransom. He was just finding people like him, somewhere he belongs.

"Now, remember the time when you saw me in the locker room. That time when I was about to go for a run and finish some laps." Stell grabbed Justin's arms, forcing him to focus. "That Stell Ajero right there, do you think he can kill someone?"

"N-no, you're the last person I could think of when I hear the k-word." Justin stuttered. "You freaking looked like an angel that time, what are you trying to do Stell?"

"That man in the locker room needs you, Justin. He needs some answers because he doesn't want to take someone's life." Stell explained calmly. "Your answers might save a life, Jah. Think about that."

"I understand." Justin took a deep breath and leaned on the rocking chair. "Be kind when asking, you know my mind goes blank every time I panic. Josh almost killed me last time."

Visions Of You | SB19 StellJun (Completed)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon