Chapter One

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         "I'm coming with you!" you yelled, running up the plank onto the Jolly Roger. "I am just as good as any of you in your physical weapon of choice and I can use whatever one is needed for a situation."

        Looking at you, that was easy to tell. Your (h/c) hair was in a high ponytail. Your (e/c) eyes were anxious but certain. You were wearing a brown cloak. Your long sleeve green shirt was comfortable to move around in. In fact, everything you wore signified comfort and ease in movement. Your brown pants were dark but sturdy and you wore tall deerskin boots. Many weapons showed on your small, lithe body. A brown leather strap around your waist had a scabbard for a intricately designed sword. The handles of two throwing knives were showing, indicating that your boots had compartments for a handy weapon. Looking closely, someone could tell that there was something underneath your cloak on your back, which turned out to be a bow that you lovingly carved yourself and a matching quiver of arrows. You also had a light brown deerskin pouch hanging around your neck and, unbeknownst to the viewer, your cloak had innumerable pockets, most of which were full of weapons, tools, and books.

        No one even glanced your way; they were so focused on what Rumplestiltskin was doing. Joining the circle, you saw a drop of blood drip from his finger onto a white globe. He stared intensely into the globe as the blood swirled. "Probably reminding himself that his magic is so strong he couldn't possibly need the help of a (y/age) year old girl," you muttered. "Well, congratulations Rumplestiltskin. You're the dark one with so much power. And yet, you look so worried, you could use all the help you can get. Magic doesn't solve everything, you know. Oh wait, he doesn't." Rumplestiltskin never even looked at you. It's a shame. If he had, he might have learned something. Actually, it was probably a good thing he didn't notice you. Otherwise, when this all blew over he might make you face his consequences.

        "Where is that?" the Evil Queen asked, brows furrowed.

        "Neverland," Hook answered grimly. A look passed between Rumplestiltskin and Captain Hook.

        Emma handed Hook the magic bean, and he threw it far out into the water. A portal opened up and Hook steered the ship towards it in the midst of a great windstorm. Everyone else was helping with the rigging, except the Charmings, but they didn't appear to need help and you didn't offer, afraid they would notice and send you away.

        In your head you went through what had happened, gripping the railing of the ship until your knuckles turned white. Neal and Tamara came to Storybrooke. Neal was Henry's father and Rumplestiltskin's son, Baelfire. Tamara was Neal's girlfriend. It turned out Tamara wanted to destroy magic, with the help of Greg. She wounded Neal, who went through a portal and must, by all accounts, be dead now. What a great fiancée! They tried to destroy the magic in Storybrooke in the mines. Regina and Emma took care of that by using their magic together. Greg and Tamara kidnapped Henry and using a magic bean took him to, it appears, Neverland. And that is why everyone is on this ship; to go rescue Henry.

        "So who are we up against?" Charming made his voice heard above the wind. "Who are Greg and Tamara?"

        "They're merely pawns," Rumplestiltskin answered, working hard to keep the rope down. "And they were collected by forces far greater than they can conceive. They have no idea who they're truly working for."

        "And who's that?" Emma yelled.

        "Someone we all should fear," Rumplestiltskin replied. Of course, he never could give a clear answer, no matter how important it was.

        You unconsciously fingered the soft deerskin pouch around your neck as the ship sailed straight into a portal that would lead you to an enemy even Rumplestiltskin was afraid of.

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