Chapter Twelve

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You awoke feeling cramped. You tried to stretch, but found that you couldn't because something was preventing you. On closer inspection you found that you were in a cage, made from many branches so you couldn't stick your hand through. And that cage was high above the ground.

Then you saw that there was another cage not too far from you. "Pst," you said softly. "Is anyone in there?"

A girl's voice answered, "I am. Who are you?"

"I'm Stella White. And you?"

"Wendy Darling. Wait, you're related to Henry, aren't you."

"Yeah, I'm his grandma's cousin, although he feels more like a little brother to me. Which is why I need to get down to warn the others. I made a terrible mistake. Do you have any idea how to get down?"

"There is no way to get down unless Pan wants you down," she responded, sadly.

"Well, then I'll have to make my own way down." You reached into your cloak and took your hatchet out of one of the pockets. Taking off the sheath you started hacking at the floor of the cage, making a hole big enough for your body. It took you longer than expected because every time you hit the floor, the cage swayed wildly.

Still, it didn't take long before you had a big enough hole. "Wish me luck," you said to Wendy as she screamed "Wait! Don't jump! You'll break something!"

"Well, I've always wanted to break a bone," you answered before you realized that you had something in your cloak that might help.

You pulled out the inflatable pillow. It wasn't very big, but it should at least cushion your fall. Blowing it up turned out to be a challenge. You couldn't do it inside your cage, because it was too big to fit through the hole. So you had to put it outside, hanging down and blow it up crouched over in the most uncomfortable position imaginable. Fortunately you didn't have to blow it up all the way, because then it would pop when you landed instead of cushion you.

Still, by the time you were done you felt very light-headed and you knew your face was red. You took a breather before looking to see where you had dropped the pillow. It was a little to the left, but you knew you could aim for it. "Goodbye Wendy," you said as you jumped and landed in a very familiar set of arms.

"Peter, what are you doing here?" you screeched, not even needing to look at his face.

"Why, saving you of course. I'm your knight in shining armor who couldn't let the beautiful princess harm herself."

"You're such an amazing knight if the 'princess' goes to great lengths to escape from where you put her."

"Thank you for reminding me how amazing I am. I need to be reminded all the time because I always forget," he smirked. "Now, I'm here to ask you a few questions. Treehouse or cabin?"

"Uh, treehouse. But what does this have to do with anything?"

He ignored you and plowed on. "What decorations would you want this treehouse to have? What hobbies would you want to have in there?"

"{Decorations/favorite things you would want in your room} What is with these random questions?"

"They're not random, but this is the last one for now. What's your favorite meal, all the sides and everything?"

"{Carefully described f/meal}. Why?"

"Thank you!" He kissed your cheek, set you gently down, and then disappeared.

You touched where he had kissed you, a pale pink washing your features. Quickly you shook your head, clearing your thoughts. Thank goodness he hadn't put you back in the cages. Now you just had to find the others. You grabbed your inflatable pillow, deflating it as you thought about which direction you should head in.

Snowflake (Peter Pan OUAT x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now