Chapter Thirty-Four

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You stood beside Emma and Charming, closing your eyes as you pictured the inside of Skull Rock. Then you waved your hand, transporting the three of you to the center of the cave within. You didn't even stumble as you arrived, being so used to teleportation and so prepared for what was to come. Emma and Charming, however, had not been prepared for you to whisk them away, so they both stumbled, Charming helping Emma regain her balance.

You scanned the cave, finding the place beside the hourglass where Henry lay. You hurried over, Charming and Emma on your heels. Looking down at Henry, you saw that he looked so peaceful, as if he were simply sleeping, unaware of the storms that were raging all around him. You almost felt...jealous. He didn't have to worry about a thing or make any hard decisions. He just lay there.

You reached out for the edge of the coffin, ready to open it, but a zing went through your fingers. Just as you had suspected, Pan had put a spell on Henry's glass coffin.

A giggle came from beside you. "The least he could have done was put a true love spell on it just like your pouch. I mean, that is the most powerful magic and so rare. Where would he ever have found a true love to open it? Oh, wait, somehow that treacherous bloody demon Pan found his true love and she's standing right in front of me, trying to break his curses and spells. Doesn't seem to add up, does it, dearie?"

You ignored him, focusing instead on the task, and guests, at hand. You lifted your hand up, brow furrowed in concentration, as you tested its strength and the power it would take to break it. Your eyes widened. No, NO! It couldn't be! You brought your other hand up, testing it with both of them, trying to find some way, attempting to prove yourself wrong. But there was no denying it. You ran your fingers slowly through your hair, dipping your head as you did so, trying to think.

"What is it?" Emma demanded. "Why aren't you breaking the spell?! Henry is dying! Do something!"

You glared at her. "I'm trying to think of a way to break blood magic, the spell that can only be broken by someone who is a blood relation. Thank you for your help."

"It's blood magic?" Charming asked. "Pan used blood magic on Henry's coffin?!" He sighed and paced away, hands on hips, exasperated.

But not as exasperated as you were. So this was Pan's game, was it? Make you choose a course of action and then make anything you tried to do against him useless? Not to mention having you kill the one person who could break the spell he ended up using. Well, he may have set the game up, but it didn't mean you had to play by his rules.

"Rumple, come on! There, there has to be a way to break a blood spell!" You beckoned your shadow before listening to his very helpful answer.

"Oh, but there is, dearie. With a blood relation of the person who used the spell, of course. Quite simple and yet so powerful. It may not be the best use for you, though, dearie, as you'd have Emma here getting into anything you sealed that she 'needed' to. And Snow White and Prince Charming could probably find a way to channel their true love into opening it as well if they got desperate."

"What the—Rumple I don't need to know how useful it would be for me, I need to know how to break it!"

"Well you can't, dearie, it's as simple as that."

"Well, I have to," you said desperately, closing your eyes and channeling all of your fear and pain out towards the glass coffin. All it proceeded to do was throw you across the room. You hit the stone wall and fell to the floor, vision blurry and tired. You...had...hoped that wouldn't happen again.

Your eyes were closing when someone shook your shoulder and brought you back to the blurry pained world. "Wha?"

"You cannot leave me now! We have to find some way. What if the three of use pick up the coffin and throw it face down? Wouldn't that make the glass shatter?" Emma demanded of you.

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