Chapter Thirteen

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You usually spent your evening with Peter, after eating dinner with all the lost boys. But this night was different, quieter, more intense. You were almost surprised that the two of you had come out here together, but you didn't want to be alone, and you didn't want to be surrounded by all the lost boys, suffocating you with their sorrow and anger.

You had just had a fight with the pirates. They were lead by Captain Darling, and she kept her crew under a tight watch. You were hunting with a group of the lost boys, when you were ambushed. Your animal cries soon brought some help, but you were still greatly outnumbered. Felix was fighting with one of the pirates whose name was Neal, and you were fighting with a female pirate they called Tink. Captain Darling did not take part in the fighting. She simply watched, smirking at how badly outnumbered you were. Now you were fighting against another one of her dirty pirates as well.

But that was when you saw Neal's sword cut right into Felix's chest. "Felix!" you screamed, as he collapsed to the ground. Tears poured from your eyes. You and Felix had had a strange relationship, you were sort of friends, but not that close. You were always competing against each other, though. After all, it was a lot easier to beat Felix than Peter, and that was what you strove for, as he strove to defeat you. But now, as you saw the blood pouring from his chest, you realized how much you actually cared for him, and how much you would miss him.

Your eyes darkened, and you looked at the pirates in front of you who were laughing at your tears. They had no idea what they were getting into. You erupted with a yowl of fury, your sword swinging one way and then the other. The two pirates were unable to keep up, and you soon had them backing up. You increased your pace, until it was all they could do to fend off your thrusts, until they could no longer do even that. Turning from where they lay, lifeless, you didn't even bother to wipe the blood off your sword as you searched for the pirate who had dared to kill Felix.

But that was when you saw Peter's eyes glinting dangerously as he flew down to rip the shadow out of Neal, who was fighting with another lost boy. You smiled. That was a more painful way to die than you would have been able to give him. You quickly turned to find another pirate to punish, but they were running back to their ship, the Jolly Roger, just as fast as their legs could take them, Captain Darling in the lead. Serves them right, the evil cowards. But there only appeared to be five of them left. The Captain, Swan girl (she was blond and always wore an outfit that looked just like a swan, although now it was covered in dirt), Reinette (whose black hair flew out behind her), Shepherd boy (blond and looked like he had just been taken off a sheep farm, although he was pretty handy with a sword), and Hook (who had only one hand and a Hook in place of the other). All the rest of those filthy pirates lay, dead or dying, on the ground.

Everyone watched them run, no one daring to break the hate-filled silence. After they left, Peter took Felix in his arms and flew towards the camp. You helped to gather the two other fallen lost boys, neither of which you knew very well. Carrying them back to the camp was a struggle, but when you got there you were directed to a special place in the jungle. The sunlight shone down onto three holes which Peter had already dug with his magic. You helped set the boys gently down into the holes before Peter closed them up. You picked some nearby flowers and set them down on top of the graves, your tears watering the ground.

The meal had been a silent affair, each person mourning the boys who were lost by themselves. But you had no doubt that now that you and Peter had left, they would be reminiscing about them together. But Peter's presence had silenced them with fear of what might happen to them if they spoke.

But now you were sitting on a log with Peter, who was looking into your eyes so deeply you forgot how to live. He leaned in and your heart pounded faster than a hummingbird's wings. But his hand reached out and grabbed the pouch you always wore. Your sister Snow gave it to you, saying how much she wanted for you to find your true love. (She was obsessed with the idea of true love, and she was even more eager for you to find it than for her to find it.)

Anyway, the pouch was enchanted. Only you and your true love were able to open it. That night, Peter took it in his hands. Looking into your eyes, he opened it and took out the pretty (f/c) stone he had found and given to you one night several moons ago. He looked at it and then smiled at you.

"Do you remember what I said when I gave this stone to you, Stella?"

"Y-yes. You said 'A pretty stone that's perfect for a pretty girl.'"

"Do you know what I wanted to say?"

"No," the word came out as a whisper.

"I wanted to say everything I felt but didn't know how to tell you. I wanted to give it to you and tell you that this stone would be with you when I couldn't. I wanted to tell you how my heart doesn't feel like a stone ever since I met you. I wanted to tell you how the unique color of this stone just represents the bright colors I've been seeing in the world ever since I met you. I wanted to tell you that you are more precious to me than any precious stone. I wanted to tell you how I would feel lucky to be that stone, held in your soft hand, to be with you forever. I wanted to tell you how much I love you.

"But I wasn't ready then. Now I've realized that I may never be ready, that there may never be a perfect time and place for anything I want to do, but if I don't do it when I have the chance, another chance may never come. Stella White, I've known you were mine since the minute I laid eyes on you. I knew from the first time our eyes met that I wouldn't be able to live without you. I was prepared to do anything for you before I even knew your name, and now there is nothing I wouldn't do to see a smile on your face. I want you to know that I am ready to do anything for you, you just need to ask. Stella, I love you."

His gaze burned yours and you managed to say the words you had been prepared to say for ages. "I love you, too."

His hand reached, cradling your cheek as you leaned into it, his hand exploding your face and body with feelings so strong you never imagined they existed. He leaned in slowly and you did the same until his lips gently pressed against yours. If you thought it was an explosion of feelings before, then this was the explosion to end all explosions. His lips moved over yours and you kissed him back passionately, your eyes closed as you melted into the kiss, as you melted into him.

Eventually you stopped for air, smiling at each other. His love shone in his eyes, and you couldn't help falling even more. "Oh, I have something for you." He ruffled the back of his head and reached into the pocket of his shirt, taking out a chain that glinted in the moonlight. "It's a snowflake, because you're my snowflake," he said, holding it up so you could see. It shone in the starlight, exquisitely formed from a single clear crystal. "Turn around so I can put it on you." You did so and he brushed your hair out of the way before fastening it. You turned back around, inspecting the precious stone more carefully.

"Now," he chuckled, his eyes darkening, a smirk on his face. "I believe we were busy."

"Very," you smirked as well, pressing your lips back against his, where they belonged.

A/N: That was literally the fourth snowflake necklace I tried to get Wattpad to accept. Not exactly what I was looking for, but we're going to go with it.

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