Chapter Thirty-Five

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Emma gasped and turned around so quickly you were surprised she didn't fall over. Charming wasn't far behind her. But you pivoted slowly, your breath caught in your throat, afraid to look, afraid to see whatever expression his green eyes held. But wait, the last time something like this had happened, he had been looking at someone else, and there had been no reason for your worry. Maybe this time...

You finished turning around and his green eyes bore into you, smoldering with barely withheld anger. You unconsciously swallowed and took a small step back. Even though he wore his signature smirk, it didn't fool you. He was furious. And it was all directed at you. Another step backwards. You were standing lightly on the balls of your feet, ready to flee in an instant. You didn't realize this, though. All you knew was Peter and that anger, the part of him you had never fully gotten used to, directed right at you.

You let out an involuntary gasp, the result of holding your breath for too long. It broke the silence, broke Emma's mute button. "Give Henry back his heart!"

"Sorry, can't," that accent was to die for. What, no! Focus! You're going to need to decide again who you will choose. Decide again, now that he was standing in front of you, now that you could no longer pretend, and, even if you did choose Peter this time...he still might reject you after everything. You tried to swallow, but your throat was so thick it was more like a gulp. Peter's dark eyes had gone right back to yours after he addressed Emma. You couldn't look away.

"I have to say, I was hoping you would waste more time trying to open Henry's glass coffin. This is a lot harder than the first time you encountered a glass coffin, isn't it, Charming?" His gaze moved towards him and you suddenly found it a whole lot easier to breathe.

"Yes, but that doesn't mean we won't find a way to defeat you. We found a way to defeat the Evil Queen-"

"Did you?" Peter interrupted.

Charming continued, even more furious than before, if that was possible. "And we will always find a way to defeat anyone who threatens our family! You are no different from the others!" Wow, he really sounded like Snow.

Peter raised his brows. "Was that a threat?" He advanced threateningly. "Because I don't know if you've realized this or not, but I'm holding all the cards. You can't win. It's only a matter of how much you want to lose."

Charming tilted his chin up, attempting to use his height to his advantage. "Look who's making threats now."

"Yes," Pan smirked, "But at least I can follow through with them."

"We'll just have to wait and see, Pan."

Peter turned his head away with a chuckle. "Yes, wait and see that the rest of your group doesn't have anything to offer you." He looked back at you, his smirk taunting you. It was like one of his magical powers was making you unable to breathe or something. "You should know better than to trust anyone to have your back. They never really do."

"Peter," you said softly, your heart fragmenting. "Don't...don't be like that."

"Like what? Truthful?" he chuckled. "Funny you should say that when you were so eager to find the truth about the curse. I would have thought that you always wanted to know the truth."

"I-I do," your voice was even softer now. You felt as if you were walking in the middle of a lake of cracking ice. "I do always want the truth from you. But I also always have your back."

"Do you? Is that why you were attempting to kill me?"

You looked down at the floor of red dirt, looking for an easy answer in its rough patterns. "I wasn't attempting to kill you. I just...Henry is like a little brother to me. I couldn't let you kill him." You looked up at him, your eyes pleading for a bit of understanding. Your eyes going away unfulfilled.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2020 ⏰

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