Chapter 10

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     You walked down the school hallway, hugging your books to your chest and weaving through the crowds of students. You passed by him, the hot guy you thought just might be your true love. But the only way to know was to have some sort of interaction with him. All the other guys you'd suspected were your soulmate were soon found lacking. But it was impossible for you to make eye contact with him, much less talk to him. If he wasn't, you couldn't think about that. You did have a good feeling about him, though. Maybe it was because you had to, because he was the last possible guy it could be, but you felt that it was more than that, that maybe the two of you were meant for each other. You had to be meant for each other.

      The next day, you slept through your alarm and were running through the halls on your way to 1st period. You looked at your watch, speeding up just before you hit something firm and fell flat on the ground.

     "Who do you think you are, to run into me?" a voice snarled above you. "As if I didn't have enough problems today, some random good-for-nothing girl runs into me like she wants to tackle me. Then again, you probably do, just like all those annoying nobodies who have crushes on me. Well, I don't have time for their, or your, nonsense." He stomped away, his feet resounding loudly on the tiled floor.

     Well, so much for soulmate, you thought, before breaking down crying on the floor in the middle of the hallway. You managed to get up and run to the woods, where you leaned against a tree and sobbed, your face in your hands. "I should have known it was hopeless. I should have none I'm not good enough to find a soulmate—that no one would ever love me." You repeated these and similar phrases over and over until you fell asleep on the forest floor, tears drying on your face.

     You were never the same after that day. You never spoke unless you had to, ate hardly anything, and found it hard to focus. Your grades dropped drastically and you would sit in the forest, your mind empty, for hours on end. You felt numb; actually it would be more accurate to say you never felt at all. You were robotic, just going through the motions, barely aware of your surroundings. Many people tried to bring you back, to wake you up. Henry and Mary Margaret (Snow's Dark Curse name) tried the hardest, like the kind people they were, but to no avail. You stayed like that until the curse broke and you remembered everything.

    (You never really forgave the Evil Queen for what she did to you in that curse, how she took away the hope that the Charmings gave you and left you with nothing to fight for, nothing to do but retreat into yourself.)

A/N: Sorry, I know this is short, but I wanted to make sure I got it out, and the next chapter will definitely make up for it. Oh, also, I believe this is the last flashback chapter.

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