Chapter Twenty-Four

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"Stella! There you are! I was so worried! You weren't in your tree house, and then I was just so worried after what might have happened to you—what you might have done in your anger. I should have known you'd have come here but I was so scared and you weren't there and oh, Stella! I'm so glad you're okay!" You awoke to the strangest ramble you had ever heard. Peter was at the side of the bed, his green eyes earnest. You looked at him strangely, your half-asleep brain still deciphering the meaning of what you had heard.

"Wait, what? Why were you worried for me? Last night you told me you...needed time, and now you're freaking out because I'm not in my tree house?"

"Last night I was unnecessarily angry. Well, not unnecessarily, but I should have given you grace. You're dealing with a lot right now, and I don't even really have any idea what it feels like, I just know that it must be really hard. I'm sorry, Stella. I'm really truly sorry." Sincerity shone in his gaze, and you couldn't help but believe him. "I came to your tree house this morning to apologize, and then when you weren't there, I was afraid that maybe you had run off somewhere and let the darkness overtake you, or even that the pirates had gotten you. I looked everywhere, and then when I spotted Snow's tree house, I hoped that you might have come here."

"Um, you realize that you could have just used that special sixth sense you possess to sense where I was, just like you sense where absolutely everyone on the island is?"

Peter rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, I realize that now."

You shook your head. "Wow. Just, wow."

"I know, I know. It shows the utmost sincerity in my actions when I was so afraid of possible consequences that I completely lost all sense of thought and because you can see how much I mean it, you have decided to forgive me out of the utter kindness of your heart."

"Sure, sure. It definitely shows sincerity and not complete foolishness. But, as for forgiveness, I will graciously bestow mine on you if you will do the same for me."

Peter smiled his beautiful smile at you. "Then all is forgiven. Th-" you held a finger to his lips, the heat from them burning you.

"If all is forgiven, then there is no need for thanks. If it's forgiven, it's in the past, forgotten, and exists no more, so there is no reason to bring it up again." You raised a brow at Peter and he nodded. "Now, let's get out of here before Snow wakes up, although she probably is awake, just faking sleep while she eavesdrops on our conversation, and is going to squeal as soon as we leave. So let's leave now so she doesn't have to keep it in for so long."

"Wow, so considerate of your sister. People say that she's the nice one, but I definitely suspect that it's really you," Peter said as the two of you headed towards the ladder.

"If anyone would know, it would be you. After all, I can be my nicest self around you, and my meanest self." With that, you pushed him down the ladder with a firm shove. He yelped and a huge smile spread across your face. You had startled the one and only Peter Pan! He soon found his balance, however, and smirked at you from where he floated in the sky. You didn't like the look of that smirk, and started to retreat further back into Snow's tree house.

No such luck. Peter flew into the tree house and grabbed your waist from behind, flying you high above the treetops. There, he turned you around to smirk at you one more time before dropping you.

You always believed you wouldn't scream in these types of situations, but the wind pulled the scream right from your lips. You knew that Peter would catch you, Pan could never be so cruel to even one of the lost boys (much less his true love) as to just drop them and let their own weight kill them. But your body did not know this simple fact, and your brain was having a very hard time convincing it of this. So instead, you closed your eyes and felt the wind caress you as you fell.

Just as you knew would happen, you were soon caught securely in Peter's arms, his gleeful face looking down on you as he had heard your screams just as well as you had. You looked up at him innocently, pretending that nothing had happened, that he hadn't just heard you scream as if the end of Neverland had come upon you. His feet slowly descended the last couple inches, resting gently on the forest floor as if it provided the slippers for the cozy part of the treacherous Pan's soul.

Your innocence met his glee. Who would murder the silence?

Pan did with a smirk. "You really do scream like a little girl."

"Oh, I wonder why. It's not like you brought me to a place where I'll never grow up or time stands still. I mean, that would be crazy." Or wait, did he actually bring you here? You had no memory of even arriving in Neverland, much less what your life had been like before Neverland, before Peter Pan.

"So now it's my fault that you get so scared of a little fun that you scream your head off?"

"No, it's your fault that I'm so young I scream my head off when you decide to drop me."

"I didn't drop you. You simply, fell for me."

"I, fell for you? You purposefully dropped me from the treetops because I gave you a friendly shove."

"What, were the treetops not high enough? Good, I was going to go higher, but I wasn't sure what your reaction would be. Next time..." He raised a brow, a mischievous smile on his face.

"Be careful who you're talking to. Next time I'll be ready for you, and you're the one who's going to get a nice surprise," you said, quickly teleporting behind him in a cloud of blue smoke.

He turned around with a smirk."I think you should be more careful who you're talking to. I have been called many things over the years, one of the nicest of which was 'bloody demon.'"

"You find that nicer than Pan? Hmm, strange." You rested your chin in your hand. "Wouldn't have picked it myself. Or wait, do you find it even nicer than Peter? Maybe I should start calling you Bloody Demon from now on. Will that catch your attention?"

"Oh, yes. Now, you already know that if you call for me I'll be there as soon as I possibly can. But if you yell 'Bloody Demon!' I'll be there instantly. I didn't tell you before because, well, there's several reasons, one of the first being that I don't want to be completely at your beck and call. Just mostly." He winked, and you tried to hide the pale pink that rose to your cheeks.

"Aw, who's the good Bloody Demon? Come here, my cute Bloody Demon!" you patted your knees. "Who's the good boy?" Peter made puppy dog eyes at you and barked. Now that you thought about it, you realized that the only animal sounds Peter ever made were either a bark or a howl. You smiled, "Yes, that's my good boy!" Reaching up, you scratched him behind the ear, his smooth skin beneath your fingers, his soft hair curling around them. He let his tongue hang out, eyes half-closed in contentment.

You smiled as you let yourself look at him freely, since he wasn't paying attention. His skin was tan and flawless. His eyelashes, long with a slight curl. His lips, pink and soft. His hair, slightly curly, every hair a work of art. His eyes, green and glowing. Enchanting, magnetic. Your hand moved along his cheekbone without your knowledge. Your body leaned closer. Your lips parted slightly, as your lungs breathed out, letting your breath dance across his skin. You kissed him.

His lips moved over yours with new strength. Yours moved over his with new passion. This kiss was different than the others. It felt stronger, more powerful. After what had happened, the fact that the two of you overcame it just made your bond stronger than ever. You had come back together after your problems and solved your differences. You had learned that no matter what happened, the two of you would make everything work out. Nothing in any realm could ever break you apart.

A/N: I'm back! Honestly, it feels so good to start writing this again you can't even imagine. We're back on schedule with at least two chapters a week (although I'm going to try to do more)!

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