Chapter Three

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      You had been walking through the thick jungle for awhile now. Hook said, "The ridge is just a few hundred paces up ahead. He was following Charming, who was cutting a path for you through the vegetation with his sword.

      You really think we're gonna be able to see Pan's hideout?" Emma asked. She was behind the Evil Queen who was behind Hook. You followed Emma and Snow brought up the rear.

      "Yeah, we should be able to see everything," he glanced back. "Including where he's keeping your son."

      The Evil Queen said, "You know, I could have just poofed us up here in an instant."

      "Where? You have no idea what's up here, or anywhere. There are dangers all about. Only I can guide us past them."

      "He's right. Hook's lived here before. If he says hiking up's the best way, than we listen," Emma put in.

      "Here," Snow handed Emma a canteen. "You need to stay hydrated."

      "Thanks, Mary Margaret."

      Sensing a private conversation coming on, you quickly moved on ahead. The thick jungle reminded you of when the forest was the closest thing you had to home, and it was stifling. You scoffed and shook your head. When the forest was the closest thing you had to a home? It was always the closest thing you had to a home, but you did your best to forget that because it was too painful. Snow would always have Charming, grabbed a knife from your boot and threw it at a tree. It landed perfectly. Long hikes through forests give way too much time for a person to think.

      "No. NO!" Hook gladly interrupted your thoughts. He held Charming's arm, who was about to slice a thorny bush. You pulled your knife from the tree and quickly caught up.

      "I can handle a couple of thorns." Charming had to show his hate for Hook in everything he did. Not the wisest move when Hook knows more about the island than anyone else in the group.

      "It's dreamshade. It's not the thorns you have to worry about; it's the poison they inject you with. This plant is the source of the toxins I used on the Dark One."

      "The poison that almost killed Gold?" Emma asked and you rolled your eyes. What other poison did Hook use on Rumplestiltskin?

      "Indeed. I used a concentrated dose. In its natural form, death would be much slower and far more painful." He gestured to the right. "I suggest we go this way."

      "We'll go this way," Charming chose the left. You rolled your eyes again as you followed the Evil Queen along the small trail, shuffling sideways, being careful not to touch the dreamshade.

      "Up here! We made it," Charming shouted, and Emma and Hook quickly caught up. They must have been talking about something.

      You looked out seeing many thin tall cliffs and lots and lots of jungle.

      "Pan's lair should be just right..." Hook stated.

      "Where?" the Evil Queen demanded. "All I see is jungle."

      "Aye. Dark jungle." Hook grabbed his spyglass and you quickly pulled one out of a pocket within your cloak. Putting it to you eye and searching, you couldn't see anything besides thick jungle. "It's, uh, grown so much since I last set foot in Neverland."

      "So this nature hike was for nothing?" The Evil Queen must have something against jungles, or hiking, or nature in general. Or maybe it reminded her of how long Snow hid from her in the forests of the Enchanted Forest. You smirked, but that smirk quickly fell from your face as you remembered why you were here.

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