Chapter Thirty-Two

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You plucked a hair from your head, twisting it together with Pan's hair that you had managed to take without his knowledge. Or, at least, without any signs from him that you had taken it. It was the last ingredient for the potion you were brewing. You dropped them in the pot that was boiling. The smoke turned green and rose, surrounding the white pouch your shadow had picked for Snow. It was elegant and charming and you knew that Snow would love it, the pouch, not what you were doing. But she would get over that and then she would likely go so far as to thank you for it once this damn curse broke. Once you knew the whole truth. Once you and Peter, you would still find some way to be together. You had promised yourself that and you would find a way to do it.

You continued stirring, watching the smoke dance around the pouch. It looked so beautiful and yet the green just served to remind you of Peter. Your stomach tightened and you looked away, steeling yourself against any memories before turning back. The smoke gradually grew light and lighter, and when it turned white, the pouch gleamed white as well, before turning back to its normal color. You took the pouch off the branch where it was hanging, smiling at your success before tucking it into a pocket. Then you lugged the pot over to the river you had purposefully chose to be beside. It made cleanup a lot easier. You dumped the pot in, refilling it with water which you then used to put the fire out.

When no traces of your fire were left, your shadow appeared just as you needed it. You took the paper out of the hilt of the dagger, handing it to your shadow. "I believe a certain pirate needs his mail," you said, as your shadow nodded and flew away.

You turned and teleported to a spot a short distance away from and out of sight of Snow's tree house. You approached it. The rope ladder wasn't hanging, offering most people an extremely difficult time getting inside. "Snow!" you called, knowing that she must be inside.

"Coming!" she yelled back. A minute later the trapdoor was opened and the ladder unfurled itself towards you. You grabbed it and made your way up.

"Stella!" Snow greeted you with a hug. "I'm so glad to see you! Come! I was just eating breakfast."

You followed her to the small table with just the right number of chairs. You took the one she offered you and the plate she handed you full of bread and berries. You dug in, as you had skipped out on breakfast to make Snow's pouch. Now you were being amply rewarded for your efforts.

"Someone's hungry this morning," Snow chuckled as you inhaled the food. "Did you happen to miss a meal or two?"

"Yes," you answered, taking the last few mouthfuls of fruit before elaborating. "I was making you a present."

Her eyebrows rose. "A present? For me? But Stella, it's not even my birthday. I mean, that's super thoughtful and sweet, I'm just a bit surprised by it."

"Yes, well, you helped me with something and I decided to return the favor." You reached into your pocket, pulling the pouch out and sliding it across the table towards Snow. Recognition and then worry started to creep into her eyes. You spoke before she could. "I made you a pouch exactly like the one you gave me. And you can't even start talking about how 'All magic comes with a price' because you paid that price for me and now I'm paying it for you. You helped me find Peter and now I'm hoping that I'll be able to help you find your true love. Because if anyone deserves to find their true love, it's you Snow." You hadn't even had to lie.

"Oh, well, thank you, Stella. I really appreciate it, I do. But next time, please don't use your magic on my account. The more you use it, not only does it consume you more and more, but you also want to use it more and more. So I just want you to be extremely careful. But this pouch, it's beautiful, Stella! I absolutely love it and thank you so much!" She reached over and squeezed your hand, a humongous smile on her face and her eyes sparkling. You knew that you had just given her hope that she would be able to find her true love, to find the same thing that you had found in Peter. But really, you were giving her with this pouch not only her true love, but also her memories, her true forgotten self. That was the biggest gift you could ever give her and you just hoped that you would actually succeed. So far, Pan hadn't said a word, but you doubted he was really buying your act that you loved him more after this. It was true, but it didn't change the fact that you needed to know who you really were, that you needed to give Snow back the fulfilling life she had always had. There wasn't much for her here, besides spending time mothering the lost boys and tending their scrapes. But somehow you knew that she could be so much better than that.

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