Chapter Fifteen

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The two of you flew over Neverland, the wind rushing through your hair. Peter looked at you and said, "Close your eyes." You did so, and a few minutes later, you felt the two of you land gently on the soft sand. You heard waves crashing and smelled the salt of the, a whiff of something else. You inhaled deeply, smelling something that smelled exactly like your favorite food. That was when Peter told you "Open your eyes." You did so, and saw a (f/c) picnic blanket lying on the sand in front of you. It was covered with platters that were filled with every part of your favorite meal, as well as several filled with your favorite desserts.

"Oh, Peter," you said. "It looks incredible! I can't wait to eat it!"

"Well then don't," he chuckled handing you a plate.

You piled it high with food before settling down on the blanket, watching the waves crash while you devoured the food. You hadn't had any breakfast this morning and you had fought several lost boys as well as Peter, so you were starving. Peter sat beside you a minute later, his plate just as full as yours. The two of you sat for awhile in silence, just enjoying the view and stuffing your faces.

Then as you were starting on the desserts, Peter looked at you intensely. You could tell he was trying to read something on your face, to decide whether he should do or say something or not. "What?" you asked.

He just shook his head. "I'll tell you later."

You shrugged and continued eating. Once the two of you were done, you set your plate down and shouted "Last one in the water has to wash the dishes!" You raced down the beach.

"I was going to clean up anyway!" Peter shouted back.

"But if you beat me, I'll do it for you!" You were 2/3 of the way to the water this time and he hadn't left the picnic, so there wasn't much point in him trying, unless he used magic which would be against the rules. Wait! You never said it was against the rules! You sprinted faster, but just as you were about to reach the water, a green cloud of smoke revealed that Peter was already there.

"I can't believe I forgot to say magic wasn't allowed!" you grumbled as Peter laughed, before splashing salty water in your face, in your mouth. "Oh, you are so in for it Pan!" you yelled, splashing him back and trying to tackle him beneath the waves. But of course he was a lot stronger than you (how come boys get free muscles during puberty and girls get free fat?), so it made it quite difficult. He kept dodging your attacks, causing you to fall into the water while his hair was still completely dry! "That's it!" you said, and this time your tackle hit him straight in the chest and he fell beneath the waves, you on top of him. You quickly found your footing and giggled as he got up, spluttering and his hair dripping.

"You're going to pay for that," his voice was dangerously low and dark and you giggled, trying to run away. But he soon tackled you and held you below the waves. You were still laughing, so you got harsh seawater in your nose and mouth and he let you up with a smirk. "You should know better than to come after me like that, Snowflake."

You were still coughing, but once your sinuses had mostly cleared up, you said, "Oh, I should, should I? And why's that?"

He raised an eyebrow. "Because anything you do to me I'll just do worse to you. Have you seriously not realized this yet?" But as he spoke, you splashed him in the mouth, forcing him to get a literal taste of his own medicine. Then you dove away under the water, swimming quickly away while he realized what happened. You quickly turned toward the shore and ran up on the beach. He ran after you and tackled you into the sand, and you made sure to keep your mouth closed. Then he started piling sand on top of you, holding you in place with the weight of his body so you couldn't get away. Soon every part of you besides your face was covered in sand.

"Now, I believe I called you Snowflake back there," he said, pouting. "But you never let me kiss you, so now you have no choice."

You smirked and said, "Well then, what are you waiting for?"

"I'm waiting for you to try to escape and to realize how useless it would be."

"Well, I'm not going to try to escape. At least not until after you kiss me."

"Ooh, maybe I should wait," he smirked.

"Peter," you whined.

He leaned in and pressed his lips to yours. He tasted just like the water he had splashed you with, but the feelings that erupted in you were stronger then the waves that had crashed against your legs.

When the two of you separated, you were both thirsty, so Peter went to go get drinks, while you broke out of the sand cocoon he had made for you. You washed the sand off in the water (or, as much of the sand as you could wash off, you can never really get it all off) and then joined him at the picnic blanket. He handed you a towel which you wrapped around yourself before sitting down. Once you were seated, he handed you your (f/drink). You gulped half of it down quickly, but sipped on the rest of it while he seated himself beside you with the same drink.

"Okay, I think I'll tell you now."

"Tell me what? Oh, what you were going to tell me earlier. I'm listening."

"Okay. You know how tonight Henry is going to save Neverland by giving me his heart?" You nodded. "Well, I found someone who might hinder that or find a way to stop it. The pirates had him on their ship, and he's the reason their attacks were getting bolder. Right now, he's trapped, but he's dangerous. He's called the Dark One, and his powers are greater than anyone's except mine. I have his dagger, which is the only weapon that can destroy him, but I cannot be the one to yield it. That's why I'm asking you.

"Before you say anything, listen to what I have to say. Whoever kills him will receive his powers and become the next Dark One. Those powers will make you want to do terrible things and they will be difficult to control. But you are the only one I know who could stand a chance with them." He got up and began pacing. "I don't want you to have to take this responsibility on yourself, but I don't see any other choice. I wish I didn't have to hurt you in this way. And yes, that was partly why I...confessed then. But it's not because I thought confessing would make you more likely to do it. It's for the reasons I already told you, who knows what might happen and might take away my chance to ever tell you, as well as I just had to let you know before giving this a chance to tear us apart. I don't think it will, but it's likely that it could hurt our connection." His voice broke. "I wish you didn't have to do this, but I don't see any other choice."

"It's okay, Peter," you stood up, placing your hand on his arm comfortingly. "I'll do it. I will do my best to fight the darkness, and either way, nothing could make me stop loving you. Nothing can break us apart. Me being almost as powerful as you are won't change anything. The darkness can't tell me anything that will change how I feel about you." How wrong you were, you could never have guessed in that moment.

You pulled him into a tight hug until the tenseness left his body and he relaxed. Soon after that you released, holding his hands in yours, and asked, "So, are we going now?"

"No," he answered. "Not until after Henry saves Neverland. Late tonight the two of us will go. He won't be able to escape that soon but knowing him, I know he'll find a way out eventually. I'll give you the dagger when we go. It has his name, Rumplestiltskin, magically engraved on it. Soon it will have yours," he added sadly.

You nodded. "I'll be prepared. You don't need to worry. It will all work out alright. I won't allow this Dark One to hurt Neverland, or our relationship." You lifted his chin, forcing his green eyes to meet your (e/c) ones. "I promise. And I might not be the most well-behaved girl on the island, but I always keep my promises."

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