Chapter 20

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Well, and to yell at Rumplestiltskin. You knew he would appear soon, but as it was, you had just stopped running (because you had gotten far enough from the lost boys) when he appeared.

"Hello, dearie. Miss me?"

You answered his question with a punch in the face. Well, that was your intention, but he just poofed away, leaving you to fall. You managed to stop yourself from the unbalanced position he left you with and you spun around angrily. You glared at him, wondering if the Dark One's powers included actually being able to kill someone with a look. But then again, technically he was already dead. He was just the bodily form of the darkness within you coming to torment you...or something along those lines.

That was when Peter Pan appeared, worry lines creasing his beautiful eyebrows. "Stella, what happened? Did Rumplestiltskin...or the Rumplestiltskin in your head...or whatever he is do something to throw off your throw?"

"No, I just completely missed the target and yelled at air because I felt like it." You closed your eyes and took a deep breath before looking deep into Pan's green eyes. "Look, I just need some time alone."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah," you nodded hard.

"Okay." He came over to give you a quick hug. "Just, don't let him change you, okay?"

"Okay," you met his eyes as he teleported away in a matching cloud of green smoke.

Rumplestiltskin giggled. "Well, at least he acts like the perfect boyfriend."

"He's not my boyfriend," you responded quickly. "Actually, I guess we technically are, we just haven't really put a label on our relationship yet. But, if you really are the 'voice in my head' you already know all this." You weren't going to let him distract you with Peter, because it really was far too easy to get distracted by... "Now it's time to get to what really matters. Why the hell did you show up out of nowhere to throw off my aim and show all the lost boys that I've gone mad?"

He smiled creepily. "But that is what really matters and why I showed up suddenly. We haven't been able to have one real chat without getting interrupted and you've been ignoring me, no, wait, worse. You've been trying to completely push me out of your mind. Which isn't just rude, it's also stupid."

"Yes, because it's definitely stupid to try to get rid of the demon inside of your head who's continually pushing you to break something, hurt someone, and trust no one."

"You should be thanking me. I just gave you the time to finally think over what you really need to, what you were thinking over before you were interrupted by that Pan boy."

You stayed silent, remembering all the things that didn't add up. The frozen hourglass, Henry being still alive even though his heart had been in Pan's chest for long enough, Pan not letting you say goodbye to Henry before putting him in the glass coffin, stopping Snow from kissing Henry on the forehead, even wanting you to become the Dark One.

"Let's start with the most important thing first, shall we? The hourglass. Why would the sand be frozen before Henry's heart entered Pan's body?" Who knew Rumplestiltskin would be so logical?

"Well," you started pacing back and forth as you thought. "I mean, it would make sense if time were frozen. But time already stands still in Neverland. And the hourglass was obviously working just fine before; I even remember seeing the sand trickling down another time when Pan first showed it to me. But that is the only answer I can think of, that the time that stands still in Neverland is frozen. I mean, we have daytime and nighttime, so time must sort of pass in Neverland. But days still pass on Neverland... Wait, both yesterday and today had the exact same weather." You started pacing faster. "Which seems too much of a coincidence to put aside. Plus, it would explain why Henry is still alive. Pan needs Neverland time, even though it technically stands still, for the heart of the truest believer to meld with his body. What kind of curse makes time stand still?"

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