Chapter Seven

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      You inhaled sharply and coughed slightly.

      "You're welcome," the Evil Queen said. "There's not even a scar."

      "W-what?" you asked, still trying to escape the memories of that hopeless evening.

      "That lost boy cut you with his sword and I just healed you. Not even a scar is left. You are welcome."

      You blinked, finally remembering, too shocked to even combat Regina's words. The lost boy had cut you, before you even realized he was there. That showed that you were definitely off your game. Which also unfortunately showed that Peter Pan was still affecting you. You needed to get him out of your head.

       But he had been there that night, that night you and Snow were so sure that you would find your true love. And then he abandoned you, erasing your memories. Couldn't he have at least told you why? Why he couldn't do this—couldn't do you? But no, he was the villain, and villains never tell anything. What was this villain planning to do with Henry?

      That was when Emma walked into the middle of the camp and said, "The map is working. We know where Henry is."

      "Where?" the Evil Queen demanded, hurrying over, you right behind her.

      Hook took the map. "Aye. We're here at the Southern tip of the isle in the middle of the dark jungle. Pan's camp lies due North."

      "That's where he's keeping Henry," Emma stated.

      "What are we waiting for?" the Evil Queen asked.

      "Well, the terrain's not easy. There will undoubtedly be some nasty impediments along the way," Hook stated what you thought was obvious.

      "We should prepare," Charming looked at Snow, who gave a quick nod of confirmation. "We only made it out of our last encounter because Pan let us. We need a new plan."

      "Agreed. It's time we stopped playing his game and he starts playing ours." O, wise leader, that's easier said than done. Although...

      The Evil Queen interrupted your thoughts. "And if I disagree?"

      "Go ahead, but I think you know our best chance is together."

      "You better be right," she turned and started for the camp.

      Charming took Snow's hand and the two of them headed after the Evil Queen. You followed, speculating on what Emma had said. Was there any way you could turn the game Pan was playing with you on himself? Obviously he was going to hold his ridiculous hold on you over your head, force you to admit it unknowingly in front of the others, one way or another, or even just lead them to suspect it, which would likely just make them doubt you more than if they actually knew. If you could tell them, it's possible that they could pretend they were holding you prisoner, because they had used some spell and knew about it before they ever came here. But you couldn't tell them, Peter wouldn't be dumb enough to fall for it, and it had some serious and obvious complications. Why was making plans so hard?! You usually stuck to the fighting part, but now you were even having trouble with that. Alright, new plan. Get over Pan and bring back the Stella who was the best at any and every weapon she had ever heard of. Not to mention that she carried them all with her everywhere, plus some useful spells and items in her cloak. No more distractions.

      Snow and Charming were leading the way, and they deciding to flirt with each other. Really, guys! Have you completely forgotten what's going on?! Since you two are deciding to mess around, I'm guessing that you've already thought of a perfect plan and gone over it with all of us until we know it my heart. Oh wait, you haven't!

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