Chapter Eleven

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You put your bow and quiver on your back and swung your cloak around you, clasping it back on. It was already getting dark, and you knew you needed an alibi for why you had been gone so long. You quickly collected an armload of firewood and headed back to the camp. "Sorry I was gone so long, guys. I got lost. How are the traps coming?"

"We got them all set up. Now all that's left is to wait," Emma answered.

You didn't have to wait long. The next day you found that a lost boy got caught in one of the traps. He was tightly bound to a tree. Snow tried coaxing him into giving a message from Henry with the help of Emma, but he refused, bringing up the fact that "Your son is one of the most vicious recruits we've had in ages." Yeah, that wasn't a good idea, as it only angered Emma, leading her to agree with the Evil Queen in how they should take a message to Henry.

Emma held Snow away so she couldn't stop the Evil Queen and they wouldn't have to look. But you watched, wanting to know how to take out someone's heart, as you had a spell that would allow you to if you ever needed to within your cloak.

The Evil Queen pulled up her sleeves and forced her hand into the lost boy's chest. She pulled out the heart, it was a bright red color, and it continued pulsing. When the Evil Queen sent him back to the camp to talk to Henry, at first he thought that the lost boy was lying about the fact that you were there, that it was some sort of trick. But the Evil Queen told the heart, causing the lost boy to tell Henry, "I'm not making it up. Look." He showed him half of a compact mirror.

The Evil Queen walked over to where the three of you stood around the other side of the compact mirror, and you made room for her, although now Henry was not able to see you, he had seen you for a second and it was more important for him to see his moms.

"Henry, are you okay?" Snow asked.

"Henry, can you hear me?!" Emma demanded.


"I'm here too, Henry!" Snow said.

"And so am I!" you added.

"No, this is a trick."

"No! No, it's not! Henry, I promise you this is real. Kid, it's Operation Cobra Rescue! It's us!" Emma said.

"You're here?"

"Yes, we're coming to get you!" All of you smiled at Emma's words.

"There's someone coming." He looked up. "It's Pan. I-I gotta go."

"Henry!" everyone quickly said.

"I-I gotta go," he repeated.

"We love you," the Evil Queen said, and then the connection was lost. You all smiled; glad that you were able to reach him and that now he knew that you were all here in Neverland, coming to rescue him. But you couldn't help but think of all the times you had been distracted from what you should have been doing by Henry's kidnapper. Even in the chance, the extremely small chance, minuscule, almost impossible chance that he was your true love, Henry deserved so much better.

Everyone started heading back to the camp, the mission completed, and you followed automatically. When you were nearing the camp, everyone stopped and you looked up, alarmed. But they were just talking about how Snow didn't want Emma to harden her heart and how the Evil Queen did it instead and how that was why she was here. Then you heard the snapping of branches and everyone pulled out their weapons. You were at the back of the group, so you grabbed your bow.

"Stand down, it's us," Charming said.

"Ch-Charming..." you said, lowering your weapon. He rushed past everyone to Snow and started kissing her.

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