Chapter Twenty-Six

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The lost boys looked up with surprise as Peter flew you into the center of the camp. As you reached the ground, the heavenly smell of stew rose around you. You inhaled deeply and sighed gratefully. Stew was just what you needed, as you were still slightly damp after Pan's dunking. Peter gently set you down on the ground and you quickly hurried towards the fire, where the blond lost boy Daxton was ladling it out into bowls. You fell into line and gladly received your share of the meal, the warmth heating your hands. Then you turned and headed towards your usual log, blowing on the stew to cool it down.

Peter was talking to the lost boys, making sure everything was going alright and there wasn't any strange things going on in the forest or any trouble from the pirates. That was when you remembered and facepalmed.

As Peter came over with his own bowl of stew, you quickly told him who had been in Snow's tree house and what he had said. You left out whatever strangeness was going on between Snow and the pirate. That was Snow's business, and irrelevant to Pan. Peter's eyes widened as you spoke and he quickly finished his stew, advising you to do the same.

He then stood and went to the center of the camp, looking around at the lost boys until he held their attention and their silence. He looked around, grinning wickedly as the lost boys grew eager with excitement, knowing that Pan had something in mind they would all enjoy. "I think it's time we paid that darling Wendy and her pirate friends a little visit, don't you?" As the lost boys' whoops filled the camp, he added, "The game is about to get interesting."

"Indeed it is, dearie." You jumped, not at all expecting the horrid creature from your mind to join you yet again. "Not expecting me? Surprising, you should have been prepared considering how long it's been since the last time I paid you a little visit. I gave you the whole morning to yourself. Well, not really gave, considering that it was better for the both of us, but I'll leave it at that."

"If you're the Darkness inside my mind, then you are me," you muttered, before getting up and going to join Peter and the lost boys in the center of the camp, your excitement at the prospect of getting to go after that smug little "Captain" Wendy spoiled.

"Ah-ah-ah, dearie. Not yet. But soon. Very, very soon." With that he vanished, and so did the small satisfaction you were planning to get by ignoring him. Oh, well, you shrugged, joining the lost boys with a smile and meeting Peter's glowing green eyes. He had just finished deciding which lost boys were to come with him and which lost boys were to stay. Half of the lost boys were moving towards the back of the group, disappointment and some resentment evident on their faces. You had privileges as the sole lost girl and had gotten to go on practically all of Pan's adventures, even before you had gotten together with Peter.

Peter quickly explained the plan, both the element of surprise and the knowledge of exactly where your enemies were on your side. You fingered the hilt of your sword, smiling as you thought of using it on Captain Wendy. Then looking up, you saw Pan mirroring your malicious smile. You shared a moment of evil pleasure before he turned and led the lost boys into the trees. You brought up the rear as everyone let out one last gleeful, loud whoop. Then it was time to carry out your scheme in silence.

You were surprised when you peered through the trees at Pan's side, to see Wendy standing there on the beach. She had a hand on her hip, as her gaze traveled around the jungle at the shore's edge. She seemed just as if she had been expecting you. You put a hand on Peter's shoulder and he turned back to look at you, brow raising and you almost got lost in how fluent the motion was, but you caught yourself just in time. "Captain Wendy's there on the beach just as if she's waiting for us, expecting us. But how could she know?" you whispered, before gasping a hand over your mouth. "They have Snow!" You looked up at Peter, whose brow was furrowed, a scowl spreading across his face. "What are we going to do? What does Wendy want with Snow?"

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