Chapter 1- Introduction

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Credits to Stephanie Meyer she owns the character's she has made but I will be making my own characters along in the story, also this story is based off of only my thoughts and ideas.

Now let's start the story....

~~ Edited ~~

Bella's POV
Currently packing all of my stuff, I'm super excited to arrive forks Washington I mean I love the weather there, it's just perfect, oh wait I'm so sorry I didn't introduce myself yet.

Hi, my name is Isabella Marie Swan Cullen and I look like I'm 17 years old but in reality, I am 300 years old. You must be wondering, how? Well let me explain, I'm actually a vampire but don't worry I only drink from animals and so far I haven't drunk from any human till this day because my self-control. Don't get me wrong I've been tempted so many times throughout my 300 years of being a vampire to drink from a human but I try to avoid it as much as possible like thinking of something else, stop breathing and smelling, and well look at me, I've come so far. I've traveled throughout the whole world so far, and I've met many vampires but I hardly come across any vegetarians, vegetarians for vampires mean that we only drink from animals ironic huh. Although there is one coven I did come across and we have the same diet, they are the Denali coven and they live in Alaska, I've stayed with them for about two years and then I left to travel but I haven't seen them in centuries.

The coven/group consists of Carmen and Elizar they are together and Elizar is the leader of the coven, Irina and Laurent are also together, next are Kate and Garrett which in fact they are together and lastly Tanya and Jermey they are also together.

AUTHORS NOTE (I made Jeremy up so Tanya can have a mate since the actual movie she didn't have one)

Ok, so some of the members have powers like Kate, for example, she has electrical current, she can generate electrical current throughout her whole body with practice, if she were to touch anybody they would get electrified or stunned. A little bit about me, I'm a mental and physical shield, meaning no one's powers affect me but with my shield, I can expand it to protect others or use it for self-defense. I also have invisibility, other than that I can manipulate the four elements (fire, water, air and earth). I can also teleport and copy other abilities within a distance as far as I can. I can also get female vampires pregnant, oh I forgot to tell you once we're vampire's the females become infertile so we can't have kids  except with my ability of course but males can procreate so if  they have sex with a human girl that girl can get pregnant.

I also have telekinesis oh and I almost forgot I have witch powers, I think I got it from my mom but enough from me you'll see later on  but as you can tell I'm a very powerful witch/vampire.

Thank you for reading this introduction, hopefully you'll stick around to read the entire book. Please enjoy this book, vote and comment for more ;)

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