Chapter 29- New house??

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Bella's POV
After I finally teleported back to the girls at the mall, me and the girls finally got together and we spent another half an hour or so at the mall surprisingly I teleported most of the stuff in front of the girls mall and finally drove home with the girls and once I got home I couldn't believe it the house was still there standing I mean yes some windows are broken and cracked but the house is still standing, we all got off and the girls except Emily and Leah gasped as they saw the windows broken and cracked "this place better not be broken" I said as I approached the door.

"I'm so sorry sweetie we tried" my dad said as he opened the door for me "wow can't believe it's still standing" I said as the guys came to the door "your welcome" they all said "what" Emmett yelled clearly he gets yelled at if he breaks something of Esme's "but it's destroyed" Edward said as he gave me a kiss on the check confused "not completely" I simply said as I looked around the house"but how" Jasper joined along.

"Well one, thank you guys it's the least you guys have broken around here so I'm proud" I said smiling meanwhile the rest are confused aka the Cullen's "wait, they've destroyed the house even worse than this?" Emmett yelled his question in utter disbelief "of course we have, I'm just surprised the house is still standing" Leah said which made the Cullen's open their mouths "I'm sorry bells we tried so hard" Seth said as he came up to me and hugged me and I hugged him tight.

"Sethy you did great believe me this is the best they've ever destroyed without me being here" I reassured him "you sure" he said back "of course" I said and nudged him a little "there  won't be enough time for the party" Esme spoke first "she's right it starts in five minutes and the house is such a big mess" Alice said sadly "oh please just leave it to me" I said.

I used my magic to repair the house especially the windows, cleaned the living room basically all first floor then I ran upstairs used magic to make a second floor and made the wall white with this scenery of hawaii, business and such so it combines the clothing, I arranged the cabinets to their desired spot, I quickly hanged and put away the boys clothes finally hung up this classy chandelier and the lamps, finally fixed all the other repairings and restocked the girls mini mall and done well for that moment and went to sit at the couch for being a little tired.

Edward quickly was by my side since he saw how I was looking "wow, that was amazing" the Cullen's said "well at least you guys brought the cabinets and lamps like I said" I told them while I sipped from my lemonade water "of course" they all responded "what about the food and drinks" Alice said and I got up made a spell and made sandwiches appear, freshly cut fruit, some lemonade, punch, soda, cups etc.

"Now the dj" Jacob said as he ran outside I ran behind him and I made the dj and a bar come out of nowhere, the pool necessities were lying next to the pool and everything was perfect and done "now who wants to drink and begin the party" I screamed happily as there was music playing really loud from the speakers and I was accompanied by many shouts especially from the pack "but you're not allowed to drink"' my dad said strictly and all grown up.

"Well dad since I'm 301 years old I think I passed the age limit oh and you guys can eat and drink the food you won't throw it up later I promise" I told my dad straightly and then told the rest they are allowed to eat "k thanks but what about the pack they can't drink especially not Seth" Rose said "oh everyone here is allowed to drink no matter the age, that's how most of them get drunk and stay over at the house but that was decades ago" I said remembering how much fun we would have together.

"Fine by me" pixie said and started dancing like crazy and Jasper followed her "hey Bella, what about desert" Leah asked but I almost forgot about that "right" I said and made a cake, cupcakes, brownies, and cake pops appear right next to the food "don't get me wrong I usually cook for them like last time but when I'm in a hurry I just use my spells to make it" I said as I faced my family.

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