Chapter 19- What happened to Bella?

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Edward's POV
Wait a damn minute why the hell can't I read your mind" I finally told Jasper once I realized I couldn't read his mind either, I faced him a bit angry because why out of the sudden can't I read my family's minds.

"Ummm I don't know what you're talking about" Jasper told me but I could tell he was lying, he can't fool me alright.

Back to the story
(Emmett and Rosalie)
Emmett's POV
Ugh I hate Bella, I mean I don't hate hate her but it was her fault because she thought about the stupid prank idea and now I have to tell my Rosie that I don't love her anymore.

"Ummm Rosie I don't know how to say this but" I tried to say when we finally got out of that cafeteria to talk in private. "What, what's wrong" my amazing beautiful Rose asked all concerned and I'm going to hate myself for doing this to her so I whispered I'm so so sorry and I know she heard me alright but at least it's something good to say first before telling her something bad or am I wrong.

"Why are you sorry? What did I do? Do you love someone else?" My beautiful wife said worried and of course not I would not love anyone else besides my Rosie.

"No I'm not in love with someone else butttt.... I-I don't love you anymore" I finally told her the big lie Bella made me say but as I told her this I was looking at the ground because I couldn't bare and see her face with pure sadness and hatred.

After I dropped the news to her she waited their for a few couple minutes and finally spoke well she basically started sobbing and she began saying a lot of cuss words under her breath obviously I knew what she was saying but my heart broke in two when she slapped me and walked away towards her table with Alice and Bella.

Bella's POV
Well the plan/prank has begun Emmett finally took Rose outside of the cafeteria to talk obviously we could hear every word they said because they weren't out of hearing distance for vampire's but now I feel bad because Rose started sobbing and once she entered the cafeteria she stood tall wiped her eyes because she was crying.

You might be wondering why would she be crying since vampires can't cry well since I made her smell like a human and changed her eyes color she was also allowed to cry but you could tell through all that facade she was hurting in the inside but she didn't want to seem vulnerable and she's been like that even when she was human she never wanted to feel vulnerable especially after what Royce did to her.

"What happened " I asked her once she sat in her chair "yea what happened I didn't see anything and I didn't get a vision must be because of bells cause I saw Emmett deciding on something but didn't know what" Alice told her lying of course.

"Well the dumb ass of Emmett said he doesn't love me anymore and I feel mad, sad and everything because I really love him, he treats me better than that stupid ass of Royce, he's been there for me through thick and thin ya know" Rose said and now I feel bad for the prank.

Out of nowhere I started to feel very tired and loopy so I brought down my shield but Edward can't read my mind or the others for now because I have a lock on my mind just in case, I made it with my witch powers and some potions I drank.

"I'm sure something made him do it" Alice tried to reassure Rose but I couldn't anymore I know I'm about to faint any second now I told them something before I blacked out.

"Ummm I'm not feeling well girls" I told them and my voice was weak at this point and this alerted them so much, they began asking what do you mean, how am I feeling and everything.

"Ok first of all I think Imma faint so call Carlisle but don't say anything about who I am and Rose" I told them quickly before I faint.

"It was my idea me and Emmett pranked you and I'm so sorry do you forgive me" I told them well I told Rose and she said of course she forgives me and Alice tried to be so motivated she reassured me that I will be fine but I don't know about that.

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