Chapter 2- Vision

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The Cullen's
Alice's Pov
I went to go grab a vase for the flowers I bought for Esme, I'm super excited I hope she likes them, I went to the mall I stopped by the gardening section and I saw some cute flowers so I thought Esme would love them so much. Currently, I went to put water inside the vase for the flowers and when I went into the living room the vase fell out of my hands and I went black or in other words, I went into a vision.

Edward's POV
For the first time in weeks, I was in the living room with my family and everything was going well until Alice came into the living room with a vase full of flowers but when she dropped the vase it meant she went into a vision and immediately everyone came into the living room asking what happened and what she was seeing.

Alice's POV
"What happened Alice" Carlisle asked worriedly once I got out of my vision "well there was this girl running in the woods and she had these purple eyes, but suddenly she lunged at a mountain lion and drank it but then the vision was blurry so I couldn't see her face good enough but her eyes they were crystal clear" I explained my vision to everyone then they asked if she was a threat or if she was dangerous "no, she isn't but she lives not that far from us but I don't know where, oh and I saw that we moved back to forks in a week" I told my family excitedly.

"Ohhh yesss, we have a new mysterious neighbor" Emmett half yelled and it was accompanied with an "oh shut it em" by his wife Rosalie but rose for short that is if you get close to her "wait but why did she have purple eyes if she drank a mountain lion?" my dear husband Jasper asked curiously "I don't know but I couldn't see her face that well and it was blurry" I answered but somehow I think Carlisle has a hunch about this  "hmmmmm that's interesting" "what's interesting Carlisle" Edward asked curiously "I don't know what it means but there is a book somewhere and it talks something about it " Carlisle said and then he ran to his study room and brought out a book in his arms "just what I thought" Carlisle said out loud as he was flipping through the book.

"She had purple eyes right" he asked again "yes but what does that have to do with the book" everyone asked "well it's simple she's a witch" Carlisle said calmly but at this point I'm really curious "well if you're a witch you have purple eyes" Carlisle responded "but what explains that she drank a mountain lion?" Jasper asked eager to know "well she must be a vampire also so maybe she was a witch when she was human and she got bit by a vampire maybe years later" Carlisle said which does makes sense but you could tell he was fascinated, I don't think he has came across anything like this before "so technically she's half witch and half vampire?" Edward asked "kinda of" Carlisle said but it did make sense but we don't now that much about it yet.

We finally got over the topic about the mysterious witch vampire. Esme asked me if it was true that we were moving back to forks and I said of course and you could tell everyone was excited, we all love Forks Washington its a place where we can feel free and be ourselves and in a week or two we get to be in our beloved home place. "Then it's settled everyone, we are leaving to Forks Washington in a week or two as per usual Alice you will tell us exactly when" Carlisle told us the last part directed to me specifically and I nodded in agreement.

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