Chapter 26- He found out

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Back at the Cullen's house in the morning

Edward's POV
After me and Bella had our small discussion about her teasing me like that she just dressed me really fast and teleported me back to the house and everyone was in shock "so how'd it go" Alice said smirking that tiny sister of mine can be evil sometimes "it was great" I said a little mad and Jasper could feel my emotions clearly so I rolled my eyes at him "he's pissed" Jasper said laughing and everyone came downstairs to see why "no I'm not" I said "he's lying" Jasper said back and he was rolling on the floor of laughter.

"Why are you mad Edward, what happened" Esme said and I felt ashamed but I had to talk "oh he's pissed because Bella and Edward are official and Edward tickled her which is such a great mistake believe me so she teased him by kissing him on lips, then on the neck and ya know but she suddenly stopped and he growled and said and I quote" sorry but it's time for school plus that's what you get for tickling me" she said and she magically dressed him up for the day and teleported him back with not even a goodbye" Alice said and boy I'm going to kill her and everyone was laughing Emmett was rolling on the floor from laughter and Carlisle was working because he clocked in early I believe because I couldn't hear his thoughts.

This whole week passed by fast when we got to school to see Bella again. Emmet and Jasper high fived her and she smiled a huge grin on her face. This week was full of drama since me and Bella we were holding hands and especially when we kissed goodbye at lunch let's just say the drama was spread about the cullen boy having a girlfriend, this week I learned more about Bella and I loved it so much currently it's Friday afternoon and Bella is at our house and Carlisle is home early.

Back to Bella's POV
As you all might know what happened through this whole week me and Edward made it official at school and I told my dad well me and Edward told my dad that we were dating once we got out of school, me and Edward we're getting along pretty well we are learning new things about each other every day.

Currently I'm at the Cullen's house well it's my home now according to my dad but I don't want to get mixed up with mine and there's ya know we played board games since my dad got out of work early so we were all bonding together until it was getting pretty late and I still have to get things ready "well it's time for me to go everyone" I said as I got up from my seat "awwww whyyy" both Emmett and Edward said at the same time and I laughed a bit.

"I have to get things ready for tomorrow" I told them "ohhh yeaaa can I help" Alice said as she quickly got out of her seat "I don't think so" I told her nodding no "why not" she challenged.

"Well because I'm mostly going to cook and make drinks and run a few errands" I said as I faced her "that's why, I can help you" Alice began begging but I wouldn't fall for it this time "nope" I said again "why, don't you let her help Bells" Jasper asked and ohh he better not mess with me yea he's the major alright but I was the destroyer I was more faster, more stronger than him and he knows that since we always spared together.

"Well for starters not gonna lie but pixie you suck at cooking once you almost set my house on fire" I told her as I had my hands on my hips "hey"she exclaimed "that's not true" she said and everyone laughed at her statement "sorry but it's the truth" I said.

"Well ok then can I at last set things up for the party"Alice asked giving me her puppy eyes little does she know they're not that effective anymore I was about to say no until Rose butted in "just let her do something Bella" Rose said "ugh fine you can set up swimming pool stuff I guess and if there's more we'll see then" I said as I finally gave in.

"Oh my god yay something is something" Alice said jumping up and down and I rolled my eyes at her and yet I still laughed at her silliness. "Well time to go I guess" I said "wait can I go?" Esme tagged along and of course I said yes because I love her and I really want to talk to her more. "Of course Esme" I said smiling and I know I'm going to see Alice's rath in 3...2...1 I signaled with my fingers and everyone looked at me confused until I pointed to Alice and she began her rant "ok so Esme can come just by asking once and nicely meanwhile I had to beggggg" Alice said getting real mad "Of course" I said smiling and everyone laughed.

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