Chapter 20- Past #1

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Still Alice's POV
"Why can't you tell us hun" my dear mother Esme asked "it has to do with her past" Rose added and Edward agreed that we should just wait until Bella wakes up.

An hour has passed by and nothing Bella is still up there nothing has changed at all so I started crying and so did Rose and Jasper was trying to soothe me and said that everything was going to be fine but we didn't know that for sure until Rose snapped at him.

"What do you mean everything will be fine, no it won't it's been an hour, a freaking hour Jasper" She yelled at him and still began to cry while Emmett tried to be there for his wife he had her in his arms while she cried.

Edward's POV
When Bella fainted in the cafeteria I got worried for some reason and then I carried her to her car and I couldn't help but feel this electric current going in between both of us and I kept worrying for her and when I went to my Volvo that electric feeling left and I was missing it already.

We finally got to the house and Alice took Bella to her room while Carlisle was by her side. He did routine check ups on her or anything but nothing. We just had to wait and see what's going to happen.

Currently we are waiting in the living room and out of nowhere I can't read Carlisle's mind Alice, Rose, and Jasper's mind is still blank so it has to do with Bella. An hour has passed by and Alice and Rose are crying, must be Bella's doing Alice and Rose are worried for Bella and the guys are trying to comfort their wives as best as possible.

Suddenly everything went silent for a moment until someone yelled dad and it had to be Bella both Alice and Rosalie ran to Alice's room to check up on Bella.

Bella's POV
After everything went dark I had a great rest. I mean I feel way more relaxed and well rested but I could still hear my surroundings but it looks like my back up spell did work because the people's mind I wanted to block were blocked Edward couldn't read anyone's mind besides Emmett and Esme's.

But there is one thing I do regret saying when I woke up I yelled dad and here it comes not even a second later both my lovely sisters were by my side.

"You scared the living hell out of us sis" Alice said while her face was buried in my chest and I was in a sitting position so it wasn't as bad as you might be thinking. "How are you feeling?" Rose asked while she sat beside me and hugged me and I could tell she was trying to wipe away her smeared mascara from crying.

"Good" I told them but I was kinda lying I still felt exhausted "she's lying" Jasper said as he came in through the door and sat right beside me, Alice was still hugging me tight while her face was buried in my chest and I was basically holding her because I hugged her back like holding her in place.

"Ok fine I'll tell you the truth I still feel exhausted but it's because I haven't practiced my powers in days and I haven't worked on blocking a lot of people's mind's all at once, so I  was getting a little weak and since I've been blocking your guys minds, and making your scent human is kinda exhausting" I told them and Jasper suddenly hugged me and I smiled back until someone well the rest of the family was standing by the door looking at us and Esme was smiling at us and then I saw Edward and Emmett and lastly......

The man that I thought I wouldn't be able to see in decades and here he was standing right in front of me.

"Hi Ms. How are you feeling" he I mean Carlisle walked a step towards me and left Esme standing there with the guys. I was in shock, he looks exactly how he did when he went missing and I started crying, actually tears.

"Are you ok Bella?" Alice muffled through my chest. I think she forgot for a second as to why I was crying "how the hell are you crying if you're a vampire?" Rose said obviously she also forgot why I was crying at that moment.

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