Chapter 17- Confused Edward

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Bella's Pov
We are so close to arriving at school but we decided to talk meanwhile our car ride "sooooooo.... I still can't believe you were engaged to Edward" Alice suddenly said all happy full of glee "well believe it" I told her and of course she asked if Edward knows or if he remotely remembers me but obviously he doesn't because I've been reading his mind and nothing but then I remembered something anyone who has met me in the past doesn't remember me unless I tell them to remember me, or even show them about the past that I had with them.

"I don't think so but if I touch him he will remember some parts about our past" I told Alice but I know Rose is hearing our conversation since she's riding right by our side. "Ok then, ohhh you should so do it" Alice said trying to persuade me but obviously I gave in I guess everything will start to unfold and the truth will finally get out.

"Yay oh and I forgot about this but I had a vision the other day, but the thing is Edward or my family don't know anything about it since I was trying to keep it as a secret" Alice told me and Rose looked at us even though she was riding in front of us and I was curious what is the so called vision she's keeping a secret so I asked her what it is and I wasn't expecting this....

"Well..... you are getting married to Edward" Alice said happily and I was shocked but I still tried to be careful and kept driving safely of course "what" me and Rose finally said "ya I know right I can't believe it you two will finally get married this time" Alice said super happy full of joy and I could tell she would like to plan the wedding and I would be fine with it. "Wow I can't believe it but if it really does happen I want you Pixie, Rose, Esme and Emily to help plan the wedding" I told the girls and they nodded in agreement "deal" they both said super excited and in 3 minutes we will be arriving the parking lot and here it comes the master plan of memories.

Back to the cullens POV
Edward's POV
"Come on guys, we're going to be late which is stupid because we don't have to wait for the girls but yet here we are" I told them the truth how are we going to get to school late and this time it wouldn't be the girls fault. "Fine let's go" Jasper said coming out of his library downstairs "I'm done" Emmet said as he was coming from is gaming room I think.

Luckily we arrived at school early thanks to my fast driving and when we got there the girls weren't here yet because Bella's car wasn't here yet so me and the guys just waited right beside my Volvo and talked about random things until something caught our eyes there was a motorcycle pulling up in the school parking lot but the person was by herself but it was a girl because she wasn't buff at all like a regular guy, she didn't have the structure like a guy plus she was wearing heels.

"I wonder who's that chick over at the motorcycle" I told the guys which also caught their attention "I don't know but I feel like I know her but I don't know why" Jasper finally said and looked at us "The girls are finally arriving" I told the guys as I saw a red convertible pull up in the school parking lot and parked right next to the chick in the motorcycle and we weren't the only one's staring, all the humans were strung and amazed at the fabulous vehicles before them.

"Wait where's Rose?" Jasper finally said realizing Rosalie wasn't with Alice and Bella and Emmett was on alert and he got worried quickly "what do you mean where's Rose" Emmet said in a low growl so I told him that she wasn't with Alice or bella until.........

"How was it?" Bella said as she walked closer to the mystery girl on the motorcycle "oh my god I loved it Bells" the girl said as she took off her helmet I couldn't believe it, it was Rose but how I thought to myself. "I knew it" Jasper suddenly said followed by Emmet saying that it was a sick bike and thank god Rose was fine and not gonna lie the motorcycle was pretty awesome, it looks like it's tweaked up to go faster than an average motorcycle.

"Must be Bella's" I told the guys because where else would Rose get a motorcycle and as on cue Rose gave the keys back to Bella so I was right I thought. Alice then said let's go see our mans so then all three of them walked right up to us.

"Hey guys" Bella said as she came up to us with the girls by her side "hey hunny" Alice said as she went and kissed Jasper "Hey Em" Rose said with a smirk and Emmett pulled her into a kiss and it was just me and Bella standing there awkwardly until she faked coughed so the guys can finally separate.

"Rose you have no idea how much pain you made me go through yesterday" Emmett finally spoke and the girls were a little bit confused and Bella just smirked as if she knew what happened  "he was going to eat you" Jasper finally said and his dumb ass really said that right in front of a human so I tried to cover it up by saying "what he means is that she looked really beautiful yesterday" I told the girls and Bella simply said "ugh huh" with a smirk on her face it looked like she knew exactly what Jasper meant and she could tell through my lies and weirdly Alice and Rose laughed.

"Well it's time to go to class" Bella said "but the bell hasn't rung yet" Emmett said which was true but oddly the bell rang just in time "nice timing" Jasper said with a smirk on his face which earned a playful punch from his wife Alice and me and Emmett laughed a little. "I know right" Bella simply said and turned towards the girls.

"Well I'll see you Rosie in fashion, shall we go pixie" Bella said and grabbed Alice by the hand but before leaving Bella touched my shoulder and smiled at me and said "and I'll see you Edward in our music class" and with that she left but before that a memory I think blurred my vision a little, before the girls left Bella winked at Alice and Rose and there I stood with a blurred vision.

"What was that about" Jasper said breaking the silence but Alice just said it's a long story "ok so let's get to class or else we're gonna be late" Bella said as my vision finally came back.

Which was weird because once she touched me on the shoulder I had like a memory or vision I don't know I can't tell but it was about me and Bella for some reason and we knew each other but in this "vision" or "memory" I was human.

That's not all the weirdest part was that we were holding hands and then out of no where she said that my mom was calling me and it was true I could hear my mom calling for me "Edward honey the food will get cold" so I had to leave her, Bella I mean and I went inside with my mom and then the memory finished and I was still in shock but I wondered did I know Bella when I was human? Is she a vampire or something? I'm so confused but Imma ask her when I see her in class for sure this is just weird.

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