Chapter 12- Passing the treaty line

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Bella's Pov
So right now I'm currently driving the girls to my house so I can drop them off there and I can pay a quick visit to Emily and the pack about my arrival "ok so umm I have to go see the pack for a minute" I told the girls while I was getting closer to my house "why do you have to go see those mutts" Rose told me and I just laughed "I need to tell them I'm here or else they will kill me like any other vampire" I simply said looking at them"that makes sense" they both said and nodded in agreement.

"Well umm we can go with you at the treaty line then" Rosie offered nicely but little did they know, well little did she know I can go beyond the treaty line "yea so you won't be all alone and defenseless" Alice offered oh oh I thought I can't let them come because if they do they might get killed by the pack nonetheless their treaty might get Broken or something. "Well umm I was going to visit them at their house" I said and gave them an awkward smile but their reactions were very loud to my least "whatttttt" they both yelled and this time my ears started to hurt really bad "it's ok they won't kill me or do anything" I tried to reassure them.

How Rose asked and Alice said she didn't like this plan at all "well I can pass the treaty line and Sam the leader of the pack allows me to pass since his Fiancé well now wife Emily told him to" I said telling them another story part of my life "how" Rose asked "well one day I went grocery shopping ya know to keep up appearance and then I saw Emily packing groceries in her car when smugglers were attacking her so I saved her and I took her back to her house in la push and let me tell you this, they weren't happy at all but Emily told them I saved her and they backed off and now we're friends so I'm allowed to pass whenever I want" I told them the truth.

"Oh wow that's nice then" Alice said "it really is but please be careful" Rose told me worried and finally I just arrived at my house and we all got off "well welcome to my lovely home" I told them well mainly at Rose since she hasn't been here before "oh my god your house is beautiful" Rose complimented and I told her my thanks "and she lives by herself" Alice added and I rolled my eyes at her.

If you're wondering how does my house look, well my house is a pearled color with edges of wood color and the walls are mainly windows just like the Cullen's house, yes I know how their house looks like how'd you think I ran into this empty property, but my house is three stories high. I have a beautiful garden, an underground swimming pool but the swimming pool looks like an underground cave since there's rocks surrounding it, it looks so beautiful and naturey.

"Wow Esme would love your garden Bella" Rose said "and Emmett would love my underground swimming pool" I told her "I still can't believe you knew him when he was human" Rose added "wait what swimming pool, you literally gave me a whole tour around the house yesterday and I didn't see no swimming pool" Alice protested and I just told her SURPRISE and we all started laughing but pixie was still a bit mad.

"Well I'll be right back imma go to the wolves" I told them because if I'm late I will not hear the end of this from Emily but Alice had such a stupid but great idea "wait can't we go with you since we smell like humans" Alice blurted out "she's right tho, we do smell like humans" Rose also added "ok I guess, after all I can protect you guys if anything bad happens" I told them and yet somehow they convinced me to let them go with me, I just hope nothing bad happens "oh my god I love this, we're like secret agents or something" Alice said and I just laughed at her enthusiasm but eventually the girls laughed with me.

"You're just crazy Alice" Rose told her and nudged her a bit "she's right pixie you are crazy" and we laughed some more, god I forgot how much I missed this, spending time with my best friends and doing crazy things like this. "Ok then let's go" I told them a bit nervous "yay" Alice squealed with excitement "lets just hope everything goes well" Rose said worried "it will, well at least I hope so too, just hold on tight" I told them and grabbed their hands "why, ohh I want to see" Rose and Alice said.

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