Chapter 9- Meeting Rosalie Hale Cullen

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Bella's Pov
The first three periods went by really fast, right now I'm on my way to my fourth period class which is fashion and I'm pretty excited also I get to meet the amazing Rosalie and not gonna lie I'm pretty excited to see her again, I've met Emmett he's really fun to hang around with and I can't believe it I got to see the Major Jasper Whitlock again well I knew Alice was married to Jasper but I didn't know it would've been the Major from the war decades ago, I know you must be thinking why am I still fussing about It well it's because I missed him so much, he was also pretty much a legend if you tell me. But let's leave it at that for now ok so I finally entered my fashion class with the girls.

"Hey Bella" Alice yelled across from the class which caught everyone's attention so I walked to her table "hey Alice, hi Rosalie" I greeted them both and Rosalie told me hi back but what she heard next was a shocker and she froze right there in her seat and I grinned hugely.

~~~The bell rang~~~

The bell rang and the teacher introduced me to the class "alright class we have a new student, dear can you please tell us your name" the teacher asked with a genuine smile, I liked her she 's nice, she reminds me of someone close. "Of course miss" I said and stood up "Hi everyone my name is Isabella Marie Swan Cullen and you guys can call me Bella" I told everyone my name but they were shocked and the teacher began her lecture meanwhile the students where talking about me and the Cullens and they were wondering if we might be related or something. That wasn't all Rosalie was still shocked and was glaring at Alice "ok class for now just do some sketches for your next piece of work and you may talk to your classmates" the teacher said and I took an empty seat from a table and sat right in front of Alice and Rosalie in their table.

"Ok so Alice and Isabella please explain" Rosalie said in a hurried tone but the humans couldn't hear her "so.. she's my friend when I was human, also she's Carlisle's biological daughter when he was human" Alice blurted out well damn pixie you can't keep a secret or anything I thought to myself. "She's right, I'm 300 years old and I was about 10 ten years old when my dad went missing after chasing a vampire" I told her and we were talking low so the humans wouldn't be able to listen to our conversation plus I put a shield over us so they wouldn't be able to hear us and not even Alice's siblings can hear us about our conversation.

Rosalie just said oh ok, trying to take in the new information but pixie had to add more stuff hahah jk I love her even though she's basically telling her my whole life story kinda cause she doesn't know about the whole story "but that's not all she's also a witch, she's the girl from my vision weeks ago" Alice said and I agreed with her "she suffered so much in her human years, I'm so sorry Bella I'm telling her this I should've talked to you first but if it makes you uncomfortable I'll stop" Alice said directly at me obviously but I was ok with it actually I mean it is tough especially the memories but I try to not think about it, I mean it's in the past I guess but sometimes I do struggle with it but not like it used to be decades go.

"It's ok, you can tell her and then I'll tell you guys something else and not even you know pixie" I told them so right now Alice is telling Rosalie all my story well what I have told her so far. "Oh my god I'm so sorry, the same thing happened to me also when I was human of course" Rosalie said a couple of minutes after and I told them that I know about it, especially to Rosalie and they looked at me all curious and intrigued so they both asked me how.

"I was kinda there" I told them seriously "what, how" they both asked and then Rose told me something that not even I was expecting "but how, Carlisle is the one who rescued me and changed me" she said trying to think further "well for starters I was friends with you also, when you were human" I said "but why don't I remember" Rose said so I said here I can show you and Alice told her "it's one of her powers she can show you the past, present and future well future now cause she duplicated my power so yea" I then touched both Alice and Rose and showed them the past about me and Rosalie, the truth behind our past decades ago.

~~~Vision from past~~~

I showed them how I met Rosalie, how we would always go shopping together and how we talked about various things and we also talked about how she got engaged to Royce her future husband and I showed them how happy she was and other things.

~~End of vision~~~

"Wow we were friends way before I was a vampire" Rose said and I nodded yes "were you friends with some of our family members besides me and Alice"  Rosie asked ahh I missed calling her Rosie "yea she was in the war with Jasper" Alice continued "wow, do you have any scars" Rose asked curiously so I took off my spell and showed her.

"Wow, I think you have more than jasper" Rose said and Alice agreed with her, I put my spell back on to hid my scars, I mean I'm not afraid or insecure about them it's just the humans talk about them and honestly I have no idea or what excuse I can give them about the scars and how I got them so I just hide them with a spell but at home I take the spell off to relax and save energy.

"Well for starters I was friends with you two, Jasper and Emmett" I told them "what about Esme and Edward" Alice questioned and damn that got me thinking will I tell them or not "fine, I'll tell you guys at lunch but you both will have a surprise at lunch and you guys will eat with me today and not with your family" I told them firmly with a smile and they said yes of course and I just can't wait.

"Ok but I can't believe you won't tell me or at least let me see what's the big surprise and also you should do the same thing you did to me to rose" Alice said and I made a huge smile on my face which just made Rose more confused and she looked a little afraid "what she means is that I should make you smell like your human self, change your eyes like when you were human" I told her and Rose relaxed a bit.

"Umm no thank you" Rosalie quickly rejected the idea but I obviously tried to convince her further "you sure because this morning Jasper told Alice that she was mouth watering" and as I was expecting Rosie finally agreed so I did the spell and now she smells like her human self and her eyes are hazel but they are more bluer than Alice's which is strange because both Alice and Rose had hazel like eyes when they were human.

Alice digged into her hand bag and she pulled out a compact mirror and handed it to Rose "oh wow I look hot" rose said smiling and twirling her hair like a high school girl "of course you do Rose" me and Alice both said then the bell rang "oh my god, I'm so excited for the surprise you said Bella" Alice started babbling about it and me and Rose just laughed at her excitement.

"Ok but first grab food and something to drink preferably the drink must be red" I told them once we entered the cafeteria "but we don't eat remember" Rose added lowly "she does have a point, oh wait I remember I ate this morning" Alice said "what do you mean you ate this morning" Rose said sounding even more confused than before damn she's being hella confused all day. We finally got our food but had to pay first and in the end we all decided to get red Gatorade drinks.

Once we finally got our lunch we went to sit at this round table in front of the guys but right across from the cafeteria, once we settled our trays and sat on our seats I made a spell so we are able to eat and drink the food but I made the food taste like bear, mountain lion and elk and our drinks taste like mountain lion blood "so we have our food and drink's now what" Rose asked while we all sat down in our chairs "well now we start eating Rosie" I said "ok" they both said and Rose unsure at first but on the other hand pixie was pretty excited because she knows what I did but she isn't sure about the the drink yet but she started eating anyway.

"But" Rose started but I quickly told her no buts and just eat and we all began eating our food and I told them "SURPRISE!!!" "What but how?" rose quickly said.

Rosalie's Pov
I finally met Bella and I love her already I got to know her and her past and turns out we used to be friends when I was human and I like her so far not just because we were friends in the past but because I feel like I can trust her, I guess we can say we are friends again but this time with no secrets because I didn't know she was a vampire when I was human so yea, also I want to get to know her better.

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