Chapter 24- Tour is done

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Back to Bella's POV
Well there you have it I just told everyone about their pasts with me, me telling Edward that we were engaged, finished the whole house tour unexpected surprise like me being close to the volturi and the pack so yea oh and I so miss the bonfires the pack would make and I was always there whenever they made one It was my favorite moment with the pack and with Emily.

"I'm happy you helped her out but it was really risky bells" my dad told me glaring and he was right but I didn't care. I didn't want it to happen to another person as to what happened to me. "He's right you know they could've killed you or something" Edward soon agreed with my dad and of course he did he's still the same Edward all nice, kind, loving and protective man that I will always love.

"Yea I know it was risky and I know that I could've been killed but I've been through her situation hell mine was way worse because he did it to me three times a day for the following three months so I just wanted to prevent that because once a girl gets raped it's the only thing they think of, it's a nightmare you have to live through it especially if you can't sleep but luckily I was there on time to help her end of the story" I said getting a little to emotional there "plus I teleported Alice, Rose and myself to Emily's house and then I smelled Sam and the pack so I told Alice and Rose to turn around and Emily said she was going to talk to them so Sam finally came inside along with the pack so I said hey Sam and he was surprised to see me but before he could say anything I said please don't let your pack kill my friends I brought them here, they're aware of the treaty and I dragged them here and he didn't let me finish because he said.."

"What do you mean they're human and Emily just coughed so Alice and Rose turned around and not gonna lie he looked mad well he looked kinda pissed and the pack looked like they were going to attack Alice and Rose until Alice said that they were aware of the treaty and that's when they blamed it on me for bringing them there without them knowing about it and I was ok with that since I told them to blame it on me. Once I saw the pack step forward I quickly ran in front of Alice and Rose and protected all of us with my shield and then Emily said to not attack because she also counts them as friends so Sam ordered the pack to stand down and that's when he told Alice and Rose they were allowed to cross the treaty but they must call first" I told everyone the hug ass rant.

Cool Emmett spoke firstly but I was afraid what my dad would say "the stuff you do Bella" he suddenly spoke "hey I was going to protect them no matter what and anyways I had a plan if things didn't work out" I defended myself "well what was it" he asked back raising his eyebrow "well I was going to teleport us back to my house but since they know where I live I would've teleported us to another country but since they didn't do anything the plan wasn't needed" I said proudly.

"Now that's settled can we finish the rest of the tour" Alice said which was true we aren't done yet and everyone but Alice and Rose weren't surprised "there's more" everyone said surprised "of course follow me" I said and I led everyone to my garage.

"Hey I also have a black Mercedes" my dad said

"Ohh and I also have a jeep just in white" Emmett said

"And she has a convertible like me" Rose said proudly

"And she has a mustang just like me" Alice said next

"And a Volvo like me" Edward continued damn I have so many cars I thought to myself

"She just has a motorcycle that none of you guys have" Esme said laughing as everyone was admiring the cars if you're wondering wasn't the convertible and motorcycle back at the cullens well I kinda teleported them back here to where they belong they're my babies after all.

"How do you have time to ride all of these cars" Jasper asked "well I ride all of these cars to school at least  twice a week well that's what I did for some time and the other time is when I took them to work at least twice a week also, so basically I changed cars, well actually I mostly took them for work because this was my first time going to school " I told everyone but dad was obviously more focused as to what I worked as.

"What did you work as" my dad asked, "oh umm I was a doctor for several years at least some decades ago since blood doesn't affect me at all just like my newborn years." I said and everyone was shocked so Rose said shall we continue "so let's go down the elevator" I told them and everyone questioned the elevator and I nodded once we entered the elevator we finally arrived to the second to last final destination.

"So here I have my science lab, training room and finally my weapons room" I said while I smirked at everyone "no way, cool" Emmett exclaimed as he ran across the training room "why do you need a science lab?" Edward questioned ahh here it comes.

"Well for starters, I figured out a way how I can use our venom for some things for example I made bullet proof/fire proof clothing well mainly for hunting purposes or in times for fighting/war so it won't rip into little pieces and I also used it on the cars in the garage" I said smiling "what for" everyone asked "so lets say if I get into an accident or something the car will be fine because the venom protects it in other words the cars can't get dented or scratched" I finished explaining and everyone was interested in that especially my dad.

"So what's the weapons room for" Jasper asked clearly intrigued so I guided them to the weapons room "so here in the weapons room I also make weapons some including my venom, some are for killing original vampire's aka the first vampire to be born but since I'm friends with them they won't be used I also made this thing to permanently take the wolf side of the werewolves, no one in the pack not even Sam knows about this, this is for just in case, that is why they aren't allowed to come down here, I also make potions for example invisibility, flying potions and other stuff that is labeled" I told them

"Wow that's interesting" Jasper said looking at all of the weapons "this could be very handy but wait you have met the original vampire's???" my dad questioned "of course I bumped into them when we first met and basically I'm protected by the Mikaelson's family oh and I also met the famous Salvatore brothers" I told them and my dad was impressed I don't think he has encountered them once "I've never encountered any original before" my dad soon said in a awe tone.

"Well Nicklaus Mikaelson is the worst he would kill you with no hesitation and yes they burn in the sun but they have these special magical rings that protect them, they can live on both food and blood, they have the ability to run faster than us, they are stronger than us, they have better eyesight and hearing, oh and one more thing they cannot enter one's house without being invited in" I told them and my dad was thinking so hard probably taking notes for later I always knew he was fascinated with new things that came to his way.

"Ok we're done with that, now let's go to the training room" both Alice and Rose said "ok so over here is the training room, I use this room to train for battles, self defense, expand my witch and vampire powers to the maximum'' I said "let me guess the newborn wars and the world wars you deeply miss" Jasper added and he wasn't wrong technically. "Haha you aren't wrong major" I said back "and lastly outside" Alice said jumpy and I teleported everyone in the backyard.

"So I have an underground swimming pool but not like any it's like a cave but it's a jacuzzi" I said but everyone was in shock because the swimming pool was surrounded by rock's making it look like some type of waterfall kind of thing and there was also a waterfall and boulders to jump off of. "It's gorgeous" Esme said and Emmet commented with "I just want to jump in" "and if you swim underneath all the way, you will find a cave that I built full of water just to relax and the water is pretty warm sort of like a jacuzzi" I told everyone and they were just eager to see, I mean I would be.

"Is this all of  it because I feel like there's more" my dad said and boy was he wrong "nope" me, Alice, and Rose said all at the same time "there's just one more thing, follow me" I said and everyone followed me and I went up to a tree and pulled a branch and a secret door opened "oh my" Esme said "you'll love this Esme this is my special sanctuary" I said and we went down the stairs and as soon as we arrived at the bottom there were flowers all around the place there was a fancy fountain in the middle, obviously there was grass, there were these cute rustic like benches all over the place but you could hear a waterfall not that far from here their were also birds chirping, this was a soothing place to be.

"Oh my god I love this, this is just perfect" Esme said and I can't help but smile "of course you do dear" my dad told Esme and kissed her and I smiled at them I love seeing my dad happy once again "this is like a nice get away" Edward suddenly said "of course, this is where I mediate, draw or paint, write new music or whatever else" I said happily.

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