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"What the fuck?" I said. Did my IUD fall out somehow? Did it get misplaced?

There's a 1 percent chance someone with an IUD can get pregnant, and according to these pregnancy tests, I was that 1 percent.

I'm fucking 20 years old. I'm a junior in college. I don't have a job, and now I'm having a baby.

The money I inherited from my parents was supposed to be for a house or a car, or my future wedding. Not a baby! And especially not at this age.

Joey is going to be so mad.

What is Ethan's family gonna think? What is he gonna think?

As of now, there is only one person I'm comfortable telling, and that's Olivia.

I know she'll be supportive no matter what.

So, I called her.

"Pick up, pick up, pick up. Come on, Liv."


"Hey, Olivia. Are you where anyone can hear you?"

"No, but I'm stepping outside, okay?"


"Alright. I'm outside. What's up?"

"You can't tell anyone. Not even Joey or Ethan. I have to be the one to break the news."

"You have my word. Now, what is it?"

"Olivia, I'm pregnant."


"I don't know how the fuck this happened, and I don't know how I'm gonna tell Ethan."

"Emma, no matter what I'm gonna support you through this, and I know everyone else will too. Don't worry."

"I'm not ready to have a baby, Liv. I'm not financially stable enough. I don't have a job, and I'm not done with college yet. I'm gonna have to switch majors again!"

"Emma, I know for a fact that Ethan's gonna help you. And Joey will too. I know he will. You have a full circle of people that can help. My mom and dad will. Just take a deep breath, honey. It'll be okay."

"Liv, you're the best."

"I love you, Em."

"Love you too. I gotta go."

"Hey, I'll see you when you get back to Florida, okay?"

I smiled. "Okay. Bye."

Ethan's POV

I was hanging out with the guys in the kitchen when Olivia pulled me into a different room.

"You need to go back to California and be by Emma's side. No questions asked. Just trust me. She needs you."

"Woah woah woah. What's going on?"

"That's for Emma to tell you."

"What? I'm so confused."

"It's not my business to tell you, Ethan. Just go back, and be there for her. Please."

"Okay. Thanks for telling me." I said. I found the fastest flight back to LA, and Olivia explained to everyone that I was going to go be there for my girl.

Emma's POV
The Next Morning

I was getting a glass of water when someone knocked on my door.

That's weird. Everyone I know is in Florida right now.

Another knock. "Emma?"

Ethan? Am I just hearing his voice, or is that Ethan?

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