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The Next Afternoon

Grayson and I were cooking up lunch while Ian, Scooter and Joey were out grocery shopping.

Emma was in the living room with Olivia and Katie just hanging out and watching some tv.

The kitchen and living room were open concept, so I could still see Emma as I chopped up the ingredients for Strawberry Poppyseed Salad.

She was laughing at something Olivia said, and my god did Emma look beautiful.

I put the knife that I was using to chop strawberries down, and I walked into the living room, going behind the couch right where Emma was, and putting my hands on her shoulders.

She looked up and smiled at me. "Hi, babe. What's up?"

I put my hand on her face, moving my thumb across her cheek as she leaned her head back against the couch to look at me.

"You just look so beautiful that I wanted to come see you up close." I said, leaning down and pecking her on the lips. "How's baby doing?" I asked.

"He's good. Just chilling."

"Wait." Olivia said. "You guys know the baby's gender?"

Emma laughed. "No, Liv. Ethan's just guessing that it's a boy."

"That's because it is." I added.

"We don't know anything yet." Emma responded.

"You guys should do a gender reveal." Katie suggested. Emma looked back up at me.

"What do you think, babe?"

"I think that we can do whatever you want, baby." I said, still caressing her cheek with my thumb.

"When do you guys find out?" Olivia asked.

"The doctor said it'll take about a week to two weeks. Basically anytime in the next week I guess. They'll send us an email with the results."

"You should forward the email to me, and I'll get a cake made for the reveal!" Olivia squealed.

"I like that idea." Emma said. "You could show the cake person the email, so you'll be surprised too!"

"Such a good idea!" Katie responded.

"Sounds good. We'll just forward you the email, Olivia." I said. Emma smiled at me.

I leaned down and kissed her again.

"Ethan, quit making out with Emma and finish making the salad." Grayson called.

"Duty calls." I whispered. Emma patted me on the cheek.

"Better go make the salad." She said.

"Need anything?" I asked.

"Can you get me a glass of kool aid?"

"Of course."

This baby loves kool aid.

I walked into the kitchen and put all of the ingredients of the salad into the bowl, mixing it before I went to the fridge and got the kool aid out.

I poured a glass for Emma, and a glass for me before walking back to the living room and sitting down next to Emma on the couch, giving her the glass of kool aid.

"Thank you so very much."

"Anything for my loves." I said, placing my hand on her stomach. She smiled as she took a sip of her juice.

I wrapped my arm around her as I took a sip of my own kool aid, setting it on a coaster which was on the coffee table before I settled in completely. Emma put her glass on another coaster next to mine, and leaned her head against my chest.

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