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Ethan and I decided to have a simple diaper party, which was kind of like a baby shower, but more casual, and includes the dad and his friends too.

But we kept it small with our little group of friends.

The baby was due in three weeks at this point, and everything was going according to plan.

I was ready and waiting for Ethan, who was going pee real quick before we left for the restaurant.

As I stood by the island in our kitchen, I texted Olivia telling her that we were almost on our way.

I felt Ethan's hand softly touch my stomach once he walked up behind me. He's been obsessed with my baby bump lately. It's like he's nesting. It's adorable. I love him.

He leaned down and kissed the bump, smiling at me as he stood back up. His hand was still touching my stomach, his other hand resting on the small of my back. "You ready, babe?"

Of course I felt the urge to pee as soon as he asked. I smiled. "I have to pee."

Ethan smiled, pecking my lips before softly and jokingly smacking my ass. "I love you."

"I love you too." I said, starting to walk towards the bathroom.

"I'll start the car, Em."

"I'll be out in a few seconds." I said.

So, I went to the bathroom and headed out to the car, and then we went on our way.

Ethan put his hand on my thigh as he drove, but since I was so far along in my pregnancy, the weight of his hand that close to my bladder gave me the urge to pee again.

"Ethan, your hand is making me have to pee." He chuckled before moving his hand, then offering it back for me to hold.

I smiled over at him as I took his hand in mine. I never in a million years would've believed you if you told me two years ago that I would meet a boy, escape from Luke, and have the best relationship I've ever seen.

Ethan and my relationship reminds me of how in love my mom and dad were.

We got to the restaurant, parking near the back entrance, and going inside to the event room in the back.

It was mostly just our close friends, and some girls from my dance team, but it was a total blast.

We got some nice supplies for the baby, and Katie and Scooter even supplied Ethan and I with heavy duty condoms as a joke. It was actually really funny.

What's crazy, is that your life can completely change in a blink of an eye. Sometimes you don't see things coming until it's too late.

For me and Ethan, when we were on the half hour drive home, it was a car driving towards us with no headlights on.

We didn't see them coming, and they hit us head on, sending us spinning, and rolling right into the ditch. The last thing I remember is Ethan diving over to try and cushion me, and then I felt my water break.

Everything went black.



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