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Emma's POV

Ethan went into the kitchen to get me a glass of water, and when he came back and gave it to me, I still had my hand outstretched.

"What?" He asked.

I smiled at him. "Hold my hand."

He smiled back at me and laced his fingers into mine, and then he brought my hand to his lips and kissed it.

"You are the prettiest girl the the world."

"Ethan, how are we gonna have a baby?" I groaned.

"Well, the hard part's over. Now you just have to push it out of your—."

"Ethan, I'm serious."

He squeezed my hand. "Emma, we're going to be just fine. We'll figure things out, okay? I have money in my savings from my dad, and I'm sure that my mom will help us. I'm gonna get a job, and we're gonna find a cute house to live in with our little baby."

"I did the math. The baby will most likely be born next March."

"That gives us nine months to prepare, baby. We got this. I promise."

"Can we go to Buffalo Wild Wings for our little date?"

"Anywhere you want, babe."

"I think the baby wants some chicken wings."

Ethan chuckled. "The baby made a good choice."

I looked down at my stomach. "Do you think it's a girl or a boy?"

"I think it's a baby."

"No way, I didn't think it was." I joked. Ethan laughed.

"Babe, do you think we could get a house in the suburbs of LA?"

"That's a good idea. It would be cheaper."

"I just want our child to be able to have a safe backyard to play in, and to have more of a quiet neighborhood."

I nodded. "That sounds great."

"Man. It's a good thing I got you pregnant because now you're stuck with me."

"More like you're stuck with me."

"Hey. Don't say that. I'm the luckiest guy in the world to have a girl like you. And to be the father of your child."

I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"God, Ethan. I'm just glad that we're out of that weird funk we were in. It feels so good to be us again."

"I know, baby. I missed us being happy."

"And now we get to spend some time just the two of us before we go back to Florida."

"When's your flight back? I need to book my ticket."

"Let me grab my laptop." I said, getting up.

I quickly went into my room and grabbed it before going back to the couch and sitting next to Ethan.

I forwarded my flight information to his email, and he miraculously found an open seat right next to mine.

After that we went into my room to take a nap because I was feeling tired, and Ethan had his arm around me, and his other hand softly resting on my stomach.

He's already being protective of our baby.

To me it seemed crazy that a year ago I didn't even know who Ethan was. Sure Grayson had talked about his brother from time to time, but that was it.

I've known him since last August, and now we're having a baby together.

And he's no doubt the love of my life.

You can fall in love in an instant, and I think that's why I knew Ethan was special from the second I met him.

The time I left town and Ethan insisted he needed to come with me, and then he held me all night while I cried about Luke treating me badly was when I knew for sure that Ethan and I would be together someday.

Then I broke it off with Luke, and Ethan and I became inseparable. Best friends.

We weren't quite dating, but we were getting there.

I was a little scared, so I made the excuse that I wasn't ready for a relationship, but I eventually came around.

I finally told him I was ready for a baseball game, and we went to one a few days later.

We were featured on the kiss cam, and of course I became his girlfriend after the fact.

We spent every second we could together, and everything was great until we broke up.

It was a long month and a half without him, and easily one of the worst experiences of my life besides the passings of my mom and dad.

We managed to get back together, but things weren't perfect, and we almost broke up again, but this baby helped us realize exactly what is truly important.

The fact that we love each other, and nothing can change that.

There is no one else in the entire world that I'd rather have a baby with than Ethan.

Even though it was unexpected, it's a big blessing for us.

It was exactly what we needed to get passed the obstacles were facing.

Sure, maybe being young parents is going to be rough at times, but I know that Ethan and I can and will figure it out. We're going to try and do our best, and that's what matters.

I swear that there's nothing better than being held by the person you love, and being surrounded by them.

Ethan's chest against my back, and his arms gently wrapped around my stomach was exactly what I needed.

Everything was finally perfect between us again.

He's the only thing I need right here and right now.

I don't question us anymore. I know we're meant for each other.

The signs all pointed to yes, and for the first time in seven years I realized that I should be celebrating life instead of mourning the loss of my parents.

They live vicariously through my brother and I, and I feel like this new baby was sent to me for a reason, which was to appreciate life as it's given.

Things get out of your control sometimes. You can't always be prepared for everything that comes your way in life.

You just have to accept what's real, and figure out how you're going to make it work.

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