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One Week Later

Ethan climbed into bed, laying his hand on my stomach as I put my head on his chest.

"Tomorrow's the day, baby." He said. Tomorrow's the day we find out if the baby is a girl or a boy.

Ethan's still dead set on it being a boy. I'm team boy too, but part of me still thinks it could be a girl. I have no idea.

I put my hand on top of his as his thumb stroked across my stomach. I'm only 10 weeks, so I still don't have a bump. It still feels unreal that there's an actual human inside of my stomach.

"Are you gonna be disappointed if it's a girl?" I asked. He's so sure that it's a boy.

"What? Of course not. Then I'd have two girls to take care of. As long as this baby is healthy and happy, and you're healthy and happy, it doesn't matter whether it's a girl or a boy."

"We only talked about boy names." I said, lifting my head from his chest so that I could look at him.

He smiled. "What you didn't know is that I have a list of girl names in my phone too."

"Awe you do?"

"Of course I do." He said, grabbing his phone off of the nightstand. "Wanna hear them?"

"Yeah." I said.

He opened his notes app, scrolling down a tad before he clicked on the list. "We have Evelyn because me and you both have E names, then we have Abigail because I thought it was a cute name. We'd probably call her Abby. Then we have Elle, another E name. Layla because it's a cute name, then the names Amelia and Aria just because those are pretty names."

"Hmmm I like Abigail. I like Elle, but it doesn't go with the last name, but I really like Layla, and I love Amelia."

"Which one's your favorite?"


"That's my pick too." He responded.

"Is that our girl name?" I asked, smiling at him.

"That's our girl name. Now we have to pick out a boy name. Do you remember what we narrowed it down to?"

"Tommy, Felix, Wyatt, and Jack."

"My favorites are Tommy and Jack. What do you think?" He asked.

"I agree. Tommy or Jack."

"Should we flip a coin on that? Heads for Tommy, Tails for Jack?"

I smiled at Ethan again. "That's the only way to choose."

He got up from the bed, going over to his bag and grabbing his wallet out of his cargo shorts. He grabbed a quarter, walking back to the bed and turning the bedside lamp on.

"Ready?" He asked.

I nodded. The coin flipped, and landed on the bed. It was tails. The baby would be named Jack if it's a boy.

"Guess his name's Jack." Ethan said.

"Can his middle name be Michael? It was my dad's name, and it's my brother's middle name." I asked.

Ethan's eyes widened. "That's my dad's middle name."

I smiled. "It's perfect."

We talked for a little bit after that, deciding that if we had a girl and maned her Layla, her middle name would be Grace after Grayson. Then we finally fell asleep.


The next day

Everyone except for Olivia and Katie went out to eat for breakfast this morning. Olivia and Katie are decorating the beach house for a celebration after our gender reveal. The plan is for all of us to spend the day at the beach, and then Olivia and Katie are going to bring the reveal cake to the beach, and we'll find out, and then the house is gonna be decorated for either a girl or boy when we get there. I'm super excited, and I know that Ethan is too.

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