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Ethan's mom arrived at the hospital the next morning, coming to see the baby and make sure that Ethan and I were doing okay.

Even though Ethan was injury free from the accident, he was feeling a little sore. The police found out that it was a drunk driver who hit us.

Ethan was up with the baby all night, letting me get as much sleep as I needed in between feedings.

Lisa came into the room, walking over to the bed where I was holding the baby. The nurses even gave him a little baby blue hat to wear. It was adorable.

"Oh, he's perfect. What a sweetheart." She said.

"Wanna hold him?" I asked.

She nodded, carefully taking the baby from my arms. He was sleeping, so she was extra careful.

"Hey, little guy." She whispered.

Ethan walked over to her, peering over his mom's shoulder at our newborn son.

It hasn't even been 24 hours, and you can already see that Ethan loves this kid with every piece of his heart.

I love the bond they've already grown.

I couldn't help but smile, watching Lisa meet our child for the first time.

Grayson and Joey showed up a few minutes later, also coming to see the baby.

I told Ethan that he should try to get some sleep since he was up all night, but he didn't want to. After some insisting, I finally convinced him to go get coffee with Grayson.

Ethan walked over to the bedside, leaning down and giving me a sweet kiss before heading down to the lobby with Grayson. Joey has already left the room to get coffee about a minute prior.

Lisa was still holding the sleeping baby, watching her own two sons walk out the door.

Looking back at me, she smiled. "I'm so happy for you and Ethan."

I smiled back. "Thank you, Lisa. I'm happy you made it out here to see Jack."

Handing the baby back to me, she sat down in the chair next to the bed. "It just warms my heart to know that Ethan found someone who makes him so happy. I mean, I knew since the first time he introduced you to me. He hasn't been this happy since before his father passed away. The way he looks at you, and the way he simply admires you is nothing I've ever seen come from him. His eyes light up every time he looks at you, even if you've been in the same room for hours. I know you two are perfect for each other. And I know that Jack is perfect for the both of you too. You're both already such good parents."

I looked down at Jack who was cuddled up to my chest, still sleeping. Then I smiled.

"That means so much to me. I mean, my life was so different before I met Ethan. I was in a toxic relationship that I didn't know how I'd make it out of, but then I met Ethan, and even when we were just friends he gave me a glimpse of hope that I could move on and live a better life. Have a better relationship than the toxic and abusive one I was in. He showed me the love I actually deserve. He still shows me every day. I mean, even my engagement ring. He even asked my brother for advice on what kind of ring he should get me. Ethan wanted it to be meaningful and sentimental to me, so he surprised me with my mother's engagement ring that I didn't even know my brother had been holding on to all these years. That confirmed that no one is ever going to treat me better than Ethan. He's the one. My best friend. My soulmate."

"I'm really glad you two have each other."

Ethan walked into the room, coffee in hand, and his brother following behind him. "Me too." He said. "Emma's the most amazing woman on the planet." He added, smiling as he walked over and kissed me on the forehead.

Then he leaned down and kissed Jack's forehead too.

"Morning, little guy." He whispered. I let out a little giggle because as soon as Ethan said that, Jack yawned and opened his eyes. He was finally awake.

"Hey, sleepy. You hungry?" I joked as if he could talk.

"I'll let you guys have some privacy." Lisa said. Grayson followed her out the door, as did Joey who just got back from the hospital café.

So, I fed the baby. Ethan changed his diaper. The nurses came to check on Jack and I. Everything was perfect. We'd be able to go home tonight.

The nurses left, leaving Ethan, Jack and I alone.

Jack was on the verge of passing out again, most likely because his stomach was now full of warm milk.

Ethan sat on the bed next to me, and I scooted over a little bit, so there was more room for him.

"Isn't it crazy that we're able to look at this child and call him ours? I mean, we're parents now. We actually created a human being together, and I never knew it was possible to love someone this much, but I do. Both of you. So much. I'm always gonna be here through the ups and downs. I'm always gonna be here through the highs and lows. Every football game. Every baseball tournament. Or if he doesn't like those, maybe debate club competitions. Whatever he wants. Everything he does I will be there supporting him. There for him. And I'm gonna be so damn proud. I already am."

I smiled, leaning my head onto Ethan's. "Me too. I love you both so much. The best part is that I didn't know someone else could love me like this, but you do. And I love you and Jack with my whole heart. I always will. And I know I had to go through everything I had to so I could get to this point. Sunshine after the thunderstorm. The place in my dreams that I've never thought I'd get to. That's you, Ethan. That's Jack. I couldn't be more grateful."

Ethan smiled at me, leaning over and giving me a long, sweet peck on the lips. "I love you, and I'm so proud of you."

"I love you too, Ethan." I whispered, our foreheads pressed together. "So so much."


"Finally home!" Ethan said, putting Jack's car seat carrier on the kitchen counter before I set the diaper bag next to it.

Jack started crying a little bit, so I got him out of his carrier and went to the couch to sit down and feed him.

He went right to sleep once he finished eating, so I took him upstairs and laid him down in the crib. Ethan and I had set it up in our room for the time being. Just so that we can check on the baby quickly when he cries at night.

Ethan and I took turns taking showers while the other one watched the baby. It felt good to finally clean up and take a warm shower, helping my muscles to relax.

I dried my hair, brushed my teeth, and put on a pair of sweatpants and one of E's t-shirts.

Once Ethan got out of the shower, we climbed into bed, Ethan's arms securing tightly around my waist, and his lips softly pressing to my neck. "I love you, babe." He whispered.

I turned a little bit, so Ethan was slightly hovering over me. Putting my hand on his cheek, I smiled. "I love you too. We're finally home."

He smiled back at me, pressing a long, warm kiss to my lips. "We're finally home." He repeated. His arms wrapped tighter around my waist, and he nuzzled his head into my neck, pecking it a few times. "Goodnight."

"Night." I whispered.

It only took about two hours before Jack started crying for food again. I didn't mind. I still thought he was perfect anyway.

It didn't matter that my sleep schedule wasn't normal anymore. Taking care of our little one was way worth it.

This is everything I ever could've dreamed of.

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