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He smiled at my response before he gently grabbed my waist and pulled me down the bed so that I was laying down.

I think he was nervous about accidentally hurting me.

He was sitting up, closer to my legs. I was wearing shorts and a tank top, and Ethan put his hand on my thigh, slowly running it upwards towards the hem of my shorts.

Ethan moved so that he was laying on his side, propped up on one elbow as he kept running his hand up and down my leg.

I was becoming wet with anticipation, just waiting for his hand to reach the part of my leg that I needed him to.

He finally tugged my shorts down, sitting up so that he could slide them down my legs and throw them onto the floor.

Then he started kissing a trail up my leg, stopping to gently suck the inside of my thigh, making me squirm because he was so close to my core, but so far away at the same time.

He slowly licked my thigh before trailing kisses closer to my center, then sliding my panties off of me, and throwing them to join my shorts on the floor.

He continued teasing me, just kissing as sucking on my thigh until he finally pressed his tongue flat on my heat.

I laced my hand into his hair, leaning my head back at the pleasure as he licked a strip up my folds, sucking on my core while pressing his thumb on my heat and giving it the occasional flick.

I don't know if it was the pregnancy hormones, but I had never felt this much pleasure in my life. The thought of Ethan finally thrusting into me in a few minutes made my eyes glaze over with lust.

I needed him, and I needed him now.

"E-Ethan please. I need you." I begged.

He smiled before plunging his tongue into my entrance. "Patience, baby."

Ethan kept moving his tongue, sending little shocks of pleasure throughout my body.

"Please." I whimpered.

He looked up at me again. "Shirt off now."

I sat up, taking my shirt off, then laying back down. I was completely naked, yet he still had shorts and boxers on as he crawled over me.

I tugged them down, and his length sprung to his stomach, dripping with some of his precum.

I moaned at the sight before Ethan dipped his head down and kissed me on the lips as he lined himself up with my opening.

After teasing me with the tip, he slowly slid into me, making my mouth agape as I got used to his size. Something I had to get used to every time.

He slowly started moving his body, rocking his hips slowly into mine as his hand slid up my chest and worked one of my breasts.

His lips were attached to my neck as we slowly rolled our hips in sync.

The hand that was propping himself above me found my hand, and he laced his fingers with mine as we made love, making eye contact and smiling at each other as he pleasured me.

The bed was the ocean, and we were the waves moving slowly in a rhythmic way, back and forth.

He kissed my lips again, and my free hand laced into the back of his hair as he squeezed the hand of mine that he was holding.

Ethan brought our linked hands towards him so that they were against his heart, and I could feel his heart beating against my hand.

He looked at me and smiled as he kept slowly moving his body against mine. "Feel that? It beats for you, my love."

all too well | ethmaWhere stories live. Discover now