Twenty Four

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One Year Later

"I can't believe you're getting married in a month." Olivia said. "Emma, you're going to be such a beautiful bride."

"Ethan's gonna freak over your dress. It looked beautiful on you when you tried it on." Katie added.

The three of us were hanging out at a bar in town. Ethan was hanging out at home with Jack and Grayson. I was drinking, but only one drink. Jack's old enough to eat normal food now, but I'd rather be safe enough to drive home.

The wedding was in a month, and everything was going great planning wise. We had the caterer booked, the venue, the live band. My dress. The bridesmaids dresses. Ethan's tux and the groomsmen's suits. The cake was ordered, and everything else you could think of was set. There wasn't much planning to do at this point. It was time to enjoy the last month of our engagement, and look forward to our perfect big day.

"Thanks guys. Man, it's crazy to think that Ethan and I met almost four years ago. And to think that our love for each other is stronger than ever after these few years. I mean, he's so good to me. And he's a great father to Jack. I can't wait to see where this new chapter takes us."

"I'm so happy for you." Olivia said.

"Me too." Katie added. I smiled.

"You guys are the best."


I got home that night, and Jack was already asleep, so I joined Ethan on the couch to watch some tv.

"Hey, fiancée." He said, wrapping his arm around me. I was sitting so that my back was against his chest, and my legs were across the couch. Ethan's legs were stretched out on the couch's footrest.

"Hi, E. How was Jack?"

"He's good. He ate pizza before he fell asleep, and he only went to sleep about an hour ago."


"How were Katie and Liv?"

"Good. They're excited for our wedding."

Ethan giggled, kissing me on the cheek. "I'm excited too."

"One more month."

"One more month." He repeated.


The days went by faster than you'd expect, and here I was three days before the wedding. Ethan was at work. Jack was settled in the living room while he watched cartoons.

I was throwing up. What did I have for dinner last night?

Nothing out of the ordinary. This was weird. I hadn't been this sick since—Wait. This made sense.

I had gotten my IUD out a couple months ago due to problems it was causing, and I had been relying on birth control pills, but I guess I wasn't good enough about taking them everyday.

I shut the door, grabbing a pregnancy test and taking it. Then I took two more to be sure.




Ethan's going to be so happy.

I couldn't wait to tell him, but there were three more days until the wedding.

I just had Dramamine on hand in case I felt sick.

I wanted to tell Ethan so bad, but I held off.

Olivia figured it out the day of the wedding.

I had just gotten my hair and makeup done, and I went to the bathroom to pee. The third time in that hour.

"You're pregnant, aren't you?" She asked. She had pulled me aside, once I came out of the bathroom.

"Ethan doesn't know yet. I'm telling him tonight. I found out three days ago."

"Awe. Jack's gonna be a big brother! I knew this was coming soon!"

"Olivia, don't say anything to anyone until we announce it, okay? I want Ethan to hear it from me, and I want Ethan and I to be able to announce it together."

"Hey, I got you, sis. Now let's get you married."

I smiled. "Okay."

An hour later, I was in my dress, my veil attached to my updo, a bouquet in my hand.

"Ready, sis?" Joey asked. I couldn't help but tear up. He was ready to walk me down the aisle.

"Joey, I can feel dad right now. It's like he's here with us getting ready to take me down the aisle. I'm so ready. I know mom and dad are here."

Joey teared up a little too. "Stop making me cry. My little sis is getting married."

In the moment, I couldn't help but confide in my older brother. "Ethan doesn't know yet, but I just found out that I'm pregnant again."

"Okay, now the tears are coming. Let's get you down this aisle before I start really crying. I'm so happy for you, Em."

"Thanks, Joe."

The doors opened, and Joey and I made our way down the pathway onto the trail where the aisle was. It was a beach venue, and there was a beautiful alter waiting, where music was playing, and Ethan was standing at the end. Our little boy standing next to him.

The wedding was a quick ceremony so that we could get to the celebration, but it was sweet, and perfect for us.

Ethan looked so handsome in his tux. Our family had rented a limo for Ethan and I to go to the reception hall together.

"Hey, Mrs. Ethan Dolan." Ethan said, sliding his arm around my shoulder. "You are one beautiful bride. And so sexy."

I smiled, leaning over to peck his lips. "Talk about sexy. You're the hottest man alive. Mr. Ethan Dolan."

"And we're married."

I pecked his lips again. "We're married."

The reception was perfect. We danced, we ate dinner and a wonderful cake. Ethan fed it to me gently. He took care of me like he always does.

We had fun with our friends and close family. With our son.

It was during the first dance that I couldn't wait any longer to tell Ethan.

"So, now that we're married, I have something to tell you."

Ethan smiled as we danced. His hands on my waist, my arms around his neck. Our foreheads pressed together. "Oh yeah? Is it a surprise?"

I smiled, pecking his lips. "A big one." I said.

"Tell meeeeee. I wanna know, baby."

"We're having another baby." I said. Ethan's smiled grew bigger, and he lifted me into the air and spun around before putting me back down.

"You're pregnant again?" He asked. I nodded.

Ethan's lips landed on mine. "I love you so much, Emma."

"I love you too."

Everything was perfect. Our big day was perfect. We had all of our loved ones around us, and my parents and Ethan's father were here in spirit.

Ethan and I falling more in love with each other every second.

I couldn't wait for our next chapter to begin.

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