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Ethan's POV

I asked Joey permission to marry Emma. While she went to the bathroom in the restaurant after we told him about the baby, I told him how much I want to take care of Emma for the rest of my life. He just smiled and shook my hand.

"You have my approval." He said.

Then tonight when Emma woke me up because it was too warm, I did my best to make sure she was comfortable.

We talked for a while before we fell asleep. She told me how grateful she was to be in a relationship that's actually healthy.

My heart warmed.

After Emma drank her water, she wasn't overheated anymore, so she laid her head on my shoulder and we fell asleep.

The beach house was right on the ocean, so to get to the beach we just had to walk down the backyard.

Grayson and I made breakfast burritos on the grill in the morning, and the eight of us all ate on the patio.

Joey turned some music on, and all of us stayed outside to enjoy the morning summer sun.

Olivia and Emma walked out to the dock and dipped their feet into the water, and seeing Emma being herself again put a smile on my face.

I helped clear the table with Grayson, and then we did the dishes, everyone else staying outside.

"Grayson, I'm gonna propose to Emma."

"No way! When, bro?"

"After the baby's born."

"Sweet. I'm happy for you two."


"You guys both seem a lot happier since you found out about your baby."

"Even though it was super unexpected, it was what brought Emma and I closer again. We were almost about to break up again, but when we found out that she's pregnant we started focusing on what was actually important."

"That's good."

"I just really really love her, Gray. I know that this is right."

"I think it is too." He said as we finished cleaning the dishes.

We walked back outside, and I went down the dock and sat next to Emma, putting my arm around her.

"When are you guys gonna tell the rest of the crew?" Olivia asked.

"Maybe tonight. What do you think, Em?" I asked.

"I don't see why not." She said, looking up at me. I quickly kissed her nose, and she smiled at me before wiping an eyelash from my face.

"Make a wish." She said, holding up the eyelash on her finger.

I blew on it so it would fly away, and I made a silent wish that I'd always be able to provide for Emma and the baby.


The rest of the day was a kind of lazy beach day.

A few of our friends were swimming and Emma and I swam for a little bit, but we decided just to lay in the sun and try to tan.

I noticed that Emma was already getting sunburned, but she was asleep, so I gently woke her up before helping her get sunscreen on.

After that, she fell back asleep, and I admired how peaceful she looked sleeping in the sun.


That night everyone was hanging out in the living room, and we watched a rerun of Saturday Night Live, something our group likes to watch together.

We played some fun card games and one round of Cards Against Humanity before Emma and I stood up in front of everyone.

I put my arm around her shoulder, and I smiled widely.

"Guys, we have something to share with you." I said.

Emma shyly smiled at me, and I continued.

"There's going to be a new member of the crew." I said.

"Awe. They're getting a puppy together." Scooter said. Emma and I laughed, and then Joey, Grayson and Olivia started laughing.

"No, Scooter. Emma's pregnant." Joey said.

"That's why you were so sick a few weeks ago." Katie said. "Congrats, guys!"

Emma smiled. "I'm about six weeks now, so the baby's due in the beginning of March."

"We should celebrate." Joey said. "Ice cream or something. Or whatever Emma's craving."

Emma laughed. "I don't think any of you guys would enjoy pickles with peanut butter. But if we can get some red kool aid that would be great."

"We can get some." I said.

It was late at night, so Emma, Grayson, and I went down the street to CVS to get some kool aid, pickles, and peanut butter.

Once we were done, we got back in the car and drove back. I was in the passenger seat, and Grayson was driving. Emma was in the backseat.

The air was cool since it was night time, and we had the windows down in the car.

I looked at Emma, and she looked really beautiful.

The car's radio light was reflecting onto her face, and it was making her blue eyes even more blue.

Her hair was blowing in the wind, and her skin had a sun kissed glow.

Grayson went inside right after we parked in the driveway, but Emma and I stayed outside together.

The air was warm but cool at the same time. I guess you could say that it was humid and breezy.

I wrapped my arm around Emma's waist, and she put one arm around my shoulder, and one arm on my heart. It was adorable.

The porch light in addition to a nearby streetlight was lighting up the driveway, so it gave me a perfect view of Emma.

I leaned down, softly pressing a kiss to her lips, and her hand traveled up my chest and around to the back of my neck as our lips moved in perfect harmony.

As I pulled away, I pecked her lips twice, and then I took her hand in mine as we walked up the porch and through the door.

I found the kool aid mix and put it in a pitcher with water and sugar, mixing it together, and then putting some ice in it.

I poured Emma a glass, and she downed the whole thing in two gulps.

I guess the baby was thirsty for some strawberry kool aid.

The rest of the night was spent in the living room with all of our friends just talking and playing more Card Against Humanity. Lots of laughing.

I was mostly happy that Emma wasn't feeling sick at all, but she got overheated in the middle of the night again.

I got up and went downstairs to get her a glass of ice water, and I of course turned the fan on for her.

Emma and I came to the conclusion that this is probably gonna keep happening.

I made a joke that we should get a mini fridge to keep in the room and stock it with water bottles.

I'm so excited for this baby to be born.

It's mind blowing to me that there's gonna be a human on this planet that I helped create. The little baby will know I'm their dad, and they'll love me and Emma more than anyone else. I know that getting to hold and nurture the little one will be one of the best experiences I'll ever encounter, but getting to do it with Emma by my side makes it 100 times better.

The baby will be ours to hold, to take care of, to raise. To love, and to support. To protect. To cuddle with and to teach them how to play.

If I'm being honest, before I met Emma I wasn't even sure if I wanted kids.

Now that it's real and I'm actually going to be a dad, I realized that the baby wasn't just something I wanted deep down, but the baby was what I needed.

I needed the baby as much as I needed Emma.

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