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Emma's POV
Two Weeks Later

The two weeks alone with Ethan in LA went by so fast.

I had my first doctors appointment, and they confirmed that I am definitely pregnant, and I'm about five weeks along, making my due date at the very beginning of March.

They were able to take my IUD out, and the doctor said I can still dance for now, as long as I don't work myself too hard.

Exercise is good for the baby.

After my appointment, Ethan and I went to my studio, and I practiced some of my solos.

At one point I just turned on a random playlist, and I made Ethan dance with me. It was really fun.

We passed the next few days just watching movies, playing board games, and figuring out which foods could stay in my stomach.

We even started looking at new houses and condos near LA.

We even went to the cemetery to talk to my parents.

I introduced Ethan to them, and I told them that we beat teen pregnancy, but we didn't beat college pregnancy.

I love Ethan a lot, and I've known since we've met that he's a special guy, but when he asked to talk to my parents alone for a view minutes and sent me to the car, I knew that he's the one.

When he came back to the car with a smile on his face, I couldn't help but smile myself.

"Well?" I asked.

Ethan left out a breath, and he glanced at me.

"Sorry. I had to ask them a very important question."

"What is it?"

"You'll find out sooner or later."

After that, we went back to my place and had an early dinner before we went to sleep. Our flight was early the next morning, so we decided to get some sleep.

We woke up at 6 to catch our 8 am flight, and with the changing time zones, we arrived in Florida at 3 pm.

Olivia, Joey, and Grayson picked us up at the airport, and I was so happy to be in the same place as my brother, my best friends, and of course Ethan.

Once we got our luggage, we headed to the beach house, and Ethan and I got our luggage back in the room him and I were sharing.

We decided to take Joey out for food so we could tell him the news.

Once we got seated at a table (a small round table mind you, Ethan was sitting next to Joey, and I was on the other side of Joey.), we ordered our food, and Ethan put his hand on Joey's shoulder.

"Joe, I'm just gonna come right out and say that I got your sister pregnant. Sorry, bro. Birth control fails sometimes."

Joey smiled and looked at me.

"Is this true, or are you pranking me?"

I pulled the sonogram picture out of my sweatshirt pocket and handed it to him.

"Awe, Emma. I'm gonna be an uncle!"

Thank GOD he's not pissed at Ethan and I.

"Yeah. Due in the beginning of March."

"You guys already know I'm gonna spoil your kid, right?"

Ethan and I both laughed. "I guess that's what uncles are for, huh, Joe?" I responded.

"Seriously. If you guys need anything, I'm here to help."

"Thanks for not being mad, Joey." I responded.

"Mad? Why the hell would I be mad? Accidents happen, and this baby was made from nothing but love. I could never be mad."

"I'll be right back. I have to go to the bathroom." I said, getting up.

I went pee, then washed my hands, and as I was walking back to the table, I saw Ethan shake Joey's hand. Both of them were smiling.

Our food was finally there when I got back.

"Hey, weirdos."

"You good?" Ethan asked.

"Yeah. I just had to pee. Thank god my morning sickness is starting to subside."

"You're just eating stuff that the baby actually likes." Ethan said.

I laughed. "So far I can keep down chicken, peanut butter, and pickles." I told Joey.

In fact, while we were having this conversation, I was eating a chicken quesadilla with a side of pickles.

"Emma, you already seem happier. I think this baby will be good for you."

I smiled. "Thanks, Joe. I think that this was mom and dad looking over me because I was missing them so much that they sent me a new life to celebrate, instead of mourning them so much. I know they want me to be happy, and I think that's why this happened."

"There was a less than one percent that Emma could've gotten pregnant with her IUD, yet here we are about to be parents in the spring." Ethan said. "But I wouldn't trade it for the world."

"You guys have my full support. If you need money, anything. I can help. And when the baby's born, I'll be glad to babysit anytime."

"Thank you, Joseph."

"Hey, that's what brothers are for, Emmaline."

I smiled. My parents used to call me Emmaline all the time. My full name really was just Emma, but that was my nickname.

For the rest of our dinner, we sat and talked, and then we went back to the beach house.

Ethan and I found Grayson, and sat him down before we told him the news. He was excited for us.

That night, Ethan and I ended up calling his mom to tell her.

Out of all people I expected to be mad about the baby, it was her, but to my pleasant surprise, she was super excited about becoming a grandparent.

Then we called his sister to tell her too. She was also insistent that she was going to spoil the little baby.

And everyone mentioned that they were excited to find out if it was a girl or boy.

I'm kind of hoping for a girl so that I can be her dance teacher, but Ethan thinks it's gonna be a boy.

At the end of the day it doesn't matter because as long as the baby is happy and healthy, they will be very loved.

As we fell asleep that night, I realized that this is exactly the way life was supposed to turn out.

Even if it was very unexpected.

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